Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Off the Shelf

    The first Human Library emerged in 2000 in Copenhagen, and has since exploded in popularity to the point of operating chapters in more than 70 different countries. The concept is that readers should not judge a book by its cover, so in this library, actual people are the books available to read with titles like "Polyamorous", "Soldier (PTSD)", and "Refugee". The 30-minute "reading sessions" (face-to-face conversations) allow people to learn in a judgement-free zone and put a real person behind the story they are hearing.

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  • The New Officer Friendly, Armed With Instagram, Tweets and Emojis

    With so much police brutality upon black men in the news, police departments across the country have been perceived with suspicion and fear. A police officer in North Little Rock has sought to change the perspective of the police through videos on social media and actions toward community policing.

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  • In Kenya, HIV-Positive Prisoners Combat Stigma, Trauma With Support Groups' Help

    Among the challenges for HIV-positive inmates are lack of food that meets their dietary needs and susceptibility to tuberculosis. The support groups, part of an HIV prevention and care program active in all the nation’s prisons, mitigate those challenges and create awareness about HIV prevention and care.

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  • Some Seattle schools end ‘tracking' in push for equity and success

    Educators in the Seattle area are making a move to desegregate schools by removing track-based course structures. Inspired by the work and research of one school in New York, Washington is seeing results in closing the achievement gap by blending general-education students with those in advanced courses, creating a stimulating environment for all and better opportunities for minority students.

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  • Giving Girls a Second Chance at Education

    A special accelerated education program named Udaan in India offers a chance for girls aged 11-14 from rural areas to quickly complete their primary schooling. The highly interactive and engaging curriculum teaches girls language, math, environmental science, and gender politics. In 2016 the program joined President Obama's "Let Girls Learn" initiative to expand across Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Malawi, Mali, Nepal, Pakistan and Somalia to reach 3 million girls.

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  • Alternatives to school suspensions show promise

    Suspensions make kids, especially minorities, fall behind in class and drop out, elevating the risk of incarceration. The Restorative Justice Initiative, in Oakland, has been credited with helping to reduce suspensions by having defiant students talk through the issues.

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  • For Centuries, A Small Town Has Embraced Strangers With Mental Illness

    Institutionalizing the mentally ill can exacerbate their symptoms, while dehumanizing them and taking away opportunities for agency. For centuries, the town of Geel in Belgium has a government-funded program that places “boarders” in residential homes where they receive care like a family member. The solution to the problem is to not treat the mentally ill as a social problem, but rather as a social norm.

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  • Refugees Encounter a Foreign Word: Welcome

    Fueled by xenophobia, many countries around the world are refusing refugees at the border. But Canadian hockey moms, poker buddies, and neighbors are personally resettling Syrians, one family at a time.

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  • Meet the Full-Service Social Media Secretary for Prisoners

    "A social secretary for people who have been deprived of the forms of communication that are now ubiquitous almost everywhere except for prisons," Renea Royster is part of a network of organizations (including Pigeonly, Infolincs, Inmatefone, and Phone Donkey) helping prisoners keep in touch with people on the outside.

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  • Policing the Police

    The Department of Justice has ordered the Newark Police Department to make reforms to its policing practices, so that public safety will not compromise the human rights. An investigation into the NPD has shown that officers made too many undocumented stops and used unjustified excessive force, resulting in community mistrust. The Newark mayor has begun re-training the police force, reworked standards for punishing police misconduct, advocated body cameras, and civilian oversight of the police department – all of which has started to improve community relations and build trust.

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