Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Former Black Panther Launches Oakland Urban Farm to Give Ex-Prisoners a Fresh Start

    After incarceration, Black men and women have a difficult time re-integrating into society without financial and educational resources. A former Black Panther activist has created the non-profit Oakland &the World Enterprises to offer an urban farm as a prisoner re-entry program and community center. The Oakland project supports self-sufficiency, self-determination, and empowerment for Black people.

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  • When Prisons Need to Be More Like Nursing Homes

    The U.S. prison population is aging, which is costly because older inmates need more care. Some states have responded by creating special wards, having the young inmates care for the old, or building nursing homes.

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  • Germany is the first European country to free Syrian refugees from a draconian bureaucratic “trap”

    Since 2003, the Dublin Protocol has stopped migrants from traveling through Europe to auspicious countries before claiming asylum. However, many migrants travel by sea—which is more perilous and has led to high rates of death. Germany is the first country European country to break from the Dublin Protocol by letting in Syrian refugees.

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  • A Racial Gap in Attitudes Toward Hospice Care

    Despite years of change, African Americans feel ostracized from the medical care community that is dominated mainly by white people, especially when it comes to hospices. Some are trying to remove the stigma of hospice care as well as make health care systems more fair.

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  • Eliminating Bail for Nonviolent Crimes

    Philadelphia's criminal justice system is overwhelmed. New York is allowing judges to release low-risk defendants accused of non-violent crimes with the goal of saving money, reducing prison overcrowding, and cutting down on prison violence.

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  • Gay and Lesbian Liaison Police Unit

    Crimes against LGBT citizens have gone underreported in many U.S. cities. Washington DC’s Gay and Lesbian Liason Unit has employed and trained LGBT officers to represent community members that they protect and serve. After the establishment of the GLLU, the number of reported crimes has increased, demonstrating the comfort and trust that the community has with law enforcement.

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  • The Problem We All Live With

    At the height of desegregation, the achievement gap between white and black students decreased to 18 percent, compared to 49 percent. Evidence suggests integrating schools works, because it gives students of color access to the same resources as white students. Yet, schools remain largely segregated along class and racial lines. In Missouri, after Normandy School District in Normandy lost its accreditation, black students were given an opportunity to transfer into the much more affluent, and mostly white school district, Frances Howell. This episode shows the challenges of integrating schools.

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  • Under the Knife

    After pressure from activists, a slew of countries have passed laws that ban female genital mutilation, the practice of cutting of a girl’s external genitalia. However, in some places like the Iraqi Kurdistan region, the law was not enforced and was met with stiff opposition from religious leaders. “When it comes to FGM and child marriage, you’re changing perceptions so it takes a while, and these practices have been going on for generation after generation so it takes time to end them.”

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  • Can Training Programs Help Improve Police-Community Relations?

    Lawyers and activists are educating residents in cities across the country on encounters with law enforcement. Know Your Rights training programs have been held by lawyers and community activists in neighborhoods in urban cities nationwide, designed to help residents understand the limits of police authority.

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  • Elsa's Story

    Children across the U.S. experience gender confusion, causing emotional stress in themselves and their family. Gender identity counselors and gender youth clinics are being created in multiple states to help families find peace in their situation.

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