Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • She's Giving Every College Student a Life Coach

    After her experience arriving woefully unprepared at Dartmouth, Alex Bernadotte started Beyond 12, a tech nonprofit that provides virtual coaching to graduating high school seniors and college students. Beyond 12 has a special focus on first-generation college students and immigrants to help coach them through problems big and small. Beyond 12 now works with 120 high schools nationwide with more than 100,000 undergrad participants.

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  • A path to success

    In Colorado, the Department of Corrections and the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing have partnered to help former incarcerated individuals obtain Medicaid upon re-entry. The partnership allows for data sharing between the two departments to make sure people are leaving correctional facilities with health care in hand, and trains parole officers to help them enroll and use the benefits.

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  • Nonprofit's Free App Flags Suspicious Changes to Voter Rolls

    Non-profit organization Protect Democracy has created a free web application called VoteShield, which uses statistics, machine learning, and data visualization to track and flag any unusual changes in local public voter databases. Already in use in 14 states, the application allows secretaries of state and other election administrators to act on and correct these changes before voters get turned away at the polls.

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  • In Mexico, New Groups Offer Aid To A Young Generation Of Deported DREAMers

    A new start-up in Mexico City called Hola Code is giving DREAMers software training, job counseling, and job placement with over 100 partnering companies. Most of these individuals have spent most of their lives in the United States, but upon return to Mexico voluntarily or by force in the last few years have faced challenges in finding their place in the culture and communities. Beyond career services, Hola Code also provides students with food, mental health support, exercise classes, and banking services throughout the duration of the program.

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  • During Ramadan, virtual spaces help stave off the loneliness for some Muslims

    Digital platforms can provide a space for those living apart from their religious communities to affirm their identity. From hash tags to online academies, Muslims who otherwise would not have regular access to a mosque or religious network are creating their own communities online. During Ramadan, the communities offer support and allow people to break their fasts with others.

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  • Wildfire escape routes? There's (almost) an app for that.

    Scientists and engineers in Colorado are developing an app that can help firefighters determine the safest routes to safety during wildfires. The app, currently in development, was created with data from another trail and hike tracking app and applied to analyze how long it would take a firefighter – given their unique equipment and uniforms – to escape wildfire.

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  • New Orleans Uses Tech to Consolidate 911 and 311 Systems

    Low-code applications assist in modernizing governmental software systems. A development platform that allows people who have little coding experience to easily digitize processes has allowed New Orleans and the Orleans Parish Communication District to streamline their 911 and 311 services, allowing citizens to track information and engage with government agencies more transparently.

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  • What if we hired for skills, not degrees?

    A growing number of companies are eliminating the phrase "bachelor's degree required" from their job postings. The Hechinger Report explores how companies such as Houghton Mifflin have shifted their hiring practices in recent years to emphasize applicants' skills rather than degrees with help from organizations like Resilient Coders, which offer software engineering and web development bootcamps for people of color.

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  • Can Scientists, Entrepreneurs, And The Private Sector Come Together To Save Sharks?

    The research group, Beneath the Waves, is cultivating cross-sector collaborations with nonprofits, scientists, and individual philanthropists in order to better study the movements and patterns of sharks in the Bahamas. What has typically been a challenging task has been made possible through the use of acoustic tags, which can provide researchers insight into ocean ecosystems and thus conservation. Such initiatives are part of a larger trend of bringing together private donors, nonprofits, and ocean scientists to bolster marine science and conservation efforts.

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  • How Technology Could Revolutionize Refugee Resettlement

    To help place refugees in cities, a new software program called "Annie" is sifting through large amounts of data and using its algorithm to make suggestions for where refugees are "most likely to be welcomed and find success."While the program is still in its preliminary stages, the idea of using data and an algorithm to help place refugees is gaining stream internationally.

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