Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A View of Tomorrow

    More states eye virtual reality to help inmates, jailed since they were teenagers, adapt to a very different world. Since a Supreme Court decision mandated the release of nearly 2,000 inmates sentenced as juveniles to life without parole, states have grappled with how to prepare them, and Pennsylvania turned to VR. Colorado followed suit and others are interested in the potential, but critics warn much more is needed to help juvenile lifers navigate the world as adults.

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  • Resistance 101: the video game going to war on malaria

    Resistance 101 is a game that teaches people about insecticide resistance and educates them about how to choose which insecticides to use in different situations. Educating communities on malaria prevention has proved to be quite effective in controlling rates of malaria contraction.

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  • Yelp for Cops

    Police in New York already use algorithms to fight crime and now they have turned to a tech startup that uses algorithms to gauge trust levels towards citizens. The so-called “sentiment meter” is meant to address where police are falling short with the community and it has garnered the interest of police departments in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Grand Rapids, Mich., as well. But some are skeptical of the data methods and what they are actually measuring.

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  • How Helsinki Arrived at the Future of Urban Travel First

    Finland is at the forefront of conceptualizing mobility as a service. In Helsinki, citizens are getting rid of their cars and using Whim instead. The app gives users unlimited access to all transport options (bus, train, bike, taxi, and car) for a single monthly subscription.

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  • The cashless taxi system that's reducing Rwanda's traffic accidents

    To combat traffic accidents in Rwanda, developed a cashless motorcycle taxi system. The system leverages technology to create a cashless system—and regulate speed. Competition in the moto-taxi sector induces many drivers to exceed the speed limit, but this system enforces safe driving by reporting speeding to local police.

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  • Bella Hurrell: From hackathon to front page

    Readers on the BBC website can now find out more about select stories through “Appy Helper,” a module that provides background about an ongoing, complex story. The module works through both a chat-style interface that readers navigate via prompts or a more linear timeline display.

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  • Trying to Cut Crime in Public Housing by Making It More Livable

    To make neighborhoods safer, New York City is attempting to strengthen "collective efficacy." Research shows that an engaged community, where residents feel they can trust each other and the government, can help lower crime; improving buildings, offering summer jobs, opening a community center, and providing more services are just some of the actions taker to create safer communities - and it's working.

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  • A couch to crash on: PressPad aims to tackle one small part of journalism's class diversity problem

    A new app creates connections between journalism interns and industry professionals willing to be a host during someone’s internship. This creates a path for greater class diversity in journalism by providing a way for people to accept an internship without having the means to pay for housing.

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  • Wireless in Gaza: the whizz-kids making code not war

    A coding academy in Gaza in the Occupied Territories trains young people computer skills and how to think like entrepreneurs, in a quest to offer alternative futures beyond endless conflict. With support from international funders and nonprofits, the academy is on its fourth cohort and graduates are receiving business from international clients. It's a way to develop paying jobs and industry in a place where it's very difficult to do business as usual.

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  • Dallas Transit Embraces Uber, Lyft and Other Mobility Options

    Dallas is expanding its public transit app. “Customers don’t care how they get around,” says Morgan Lyons, vice president of external relations at DART. “They want to get around, period.” The GoPass app will include train, bus, car, and bike options, allowing users to design a trip with multiple modes of transport through one payment platform.

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