Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Minneapolis Is Funding Artists' Community Healing Projects With Police Dollars

    Through its Creative CityMaking program, the city of Minneapolis pays artists to use their skills to promote healing and community-building in projects they design on their own. The program had existed for seven years when the George Floyd case roiled Minneapolis. The city council carved $150,000 out of the police budget to add to its artist-led community healing work. One of the 10 most recent grantees, Rising From the Ashes, produced a series of online gatherings for local queer artists and artists of color, concluding with an online exhibit of art made during the 2020 uprising.

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  • Meet the TikTok stars using viral videos to save the planet

    The growing account known as “EcoTok” on the social media app TikTok is working to expose more people to data about the climate crisis and tackle scientific misinformation. With more than 80,000 followers and 1.2 million likes, the account features short videos with scientists, students, and activists highlighting ways that young people can be more sustainable. Their ability to engage people in environmental and scientific issues has led to partnerships with TED Countdown and the UN Environment Programme.

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  • St. Louisans Mapped Monuments of Their City, and Uncovered Surprising Connections

    When the Public Iconographies project asked people in St. Louis "how would you map the monuments of St. Louis?", it got 750 hand-drawn maps telling stories of often-overlooked sites throughout the city. By letting people from the community determine what is important, the project ended up with a data-filled report channeling freeform responses. They included the spot where a Ferguson police officer killed Michael Brown, the site of a 1917 race riot, and Cahokia Mounds, a pre-Columbian site in the city. The project formed a counterpoint to efforts to remove problematic symbols, like a Columbus statue.

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  • Plantation tours bypass the ‘big house' to focus on the enslaved

    In an effort to combat racial injustice, former plantations are shifting the narrative typically given on tours to focus on the lives of the enslaved who once lived there instead of enslavers who owned the plantations. The initiative sprung from a need to accurately portray the history of slavery and better “inform the present.”

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  • Make Way for the ‘One-Minute City'

    The Street Moves initiative in Sweden is pushing local communities to become the designers of their own streets’ layouts and look at urban planning through the lens of the “one-minute city.” Through a public-private partnership, residents in four sites in Stockholm can help determine how much street space is used for parking, outdoor dining, and children’s play spaces. The goal is to increase participation in the community, address climate resilience, and create a more livable city.

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  • A New Tool in Treating Mental Illness: Building Design

    Across the U.S. an influx of new mental health facilities are being designed through a lens of "evidence-based" architecture that aims to use the design itself as a means of treatment. With studies indicating that access to nature and green space can reduce stress, these new facilities aren't "just about being warm and fuzzy."

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  • It Spied on Soviet Atomic Bombs. Now It's Solving Ecological Mysteries.

    Environmental scientists are using modern computing software to correct, orient, and analyze satellite images from the Corona spy project, launched in the 1960s and ’70s to monitor the Soviet military. The images have revealed human environmental impacts, challenged long-held assumptions, and helped predict future challenges. Within the last two years alone, the images have contributed to new information about climate change including rock glacier movements in Central Asia, shoreline changes in Saudi Arabia, and ice loss in Peru, helping scientists fill in knowledge gaps.

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  • A Mariachi Family

    Springfield High School's mariachi program creates a cultural bridge between generations and offers opportunities for high school students to learn about and share their culture. The school’s Mariachi Del Sol began in 2008 as just the second ethnically diverse music program in the state. Open to any student playing any instrument, it has grown significantly over the years and now offers a beginning and advanced class. The advanced class performs publicly, including an annual gig at Disneyland. The program's popularity led other schools throughout the state to offer mariachi to their students.

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  • 'Where Are The Women?': Uncovering The Lost Works Of Female Renaissance Artists

    Advancing Women Artists (AWA) is a nonprofit foundation that has identified around 2,000 pieces of art by women artists that were forgotten or stored away in Italy’s museums and churches. The organization has financed the restoration of 70 works from the 16th to the 20th centuries. Although women generally couldn’t study or devote themselves to art, some of the artists’ works were known during their times but disappeared from public writings around the 19th century. AWA’s work restoring, documenting, and exhibiting women’s art has contributed to increased interest in and awareness of art by women.

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  • Iranian women's group empowers amid pandemic by making masks

    An organization in Tehran, Iran is helping women "looking for work to make handicrafts" by allowing them to use donated sewing machines as a means of becoming self-sufficient despite high rates of unemployment. When the coronavirus pandemic impacted the market, however, they shifted to making masks. Specific sales figures for the masks aren't available, but participants say they are grateful to be able to learn a new skill for free.

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