Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • As Concerns Over Climate Change Rise, More Developers Turn to Wood

    Eastern Washington University recently built the first tall wood office building in the state joining hundreds of other large “mass-timber” projects in the United States. This growing industry constructs panels, beams, and columns from trees that need to be thinned to curb wildfires in forests. While wood buildings can be more expensive to build than ones constructed from concrete and steel, environmentalists are on board because wood can store carbon, which can help offset greenhouse gas emissions.

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  • How the book industry is weathering the COVID-19 storm

    Despite book sales being up during the coronavirus pandemic, many book stores aren't seeing a viable source of income due to the cancellation of book launches and many digital purchases being made on wholesale sites. Authors and publishers, however, have found a silver lining by using technology to host virtual book readings which allows them to reach audiences they may not have before.

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  • How social-distancing symbols are changing our cities

    Across the world, local governments and communities are looking for ways to draw boundaries that guide people's behavior towards social distancing. Although the perfect sign has yet to be determined, urban psychologists and researchers have found that community created signs as well as France's "wave-shaped sign" have inspired loyalty and a shared goal.

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  • Zeničko udruženje Naš most potpomaže zdravo starenje kroz umjetnost

    Udruženje Naš Most koristi inicijative iz kulture i umjetnosti kao borbu protiv usamljenosti među starijim osobama. Više od sedam godina, neformalni sedmični sastanci pretvorili su se u formalne kurseve slikanja i rukotvorina, a članstvo je poraslo sa 30 na preko 100 starijih osoba. Udruženje također organizira događaje na kojima se izlažu radovi članova i sarađuje s drugim grupama kako bi stvarali i razmjenjivali podcaste, organizirali koncerte i ponudili druge umjetničke događaje starijim osobama.

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  • Galería Mitotera comparte la vida y obra de artistas de Tucsón durante la cuarentena

    Dos artistas, quienes establecieron Galería Mitotera, adaptaron sus servicios durante la pandemia y entablaron un nuevo programa—Art Chats. A través del programa, el publico puede acceder de manera virtual a noches de pintura semanales, y charlas con artistas de los alrededores de Tucson.

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  • Online Art Keeps Bosnia's Isolated Seniors Connected in Pandemic

    Before the coronavirus pandemic, Our Bridge in Bosnia provided services to seniors to combat social isolation. Despite having to shut down in-person classes due to the pandemic, both groups now use online art and music classes to reach people who are isolated and at risk of depression. The group joined with the Serbian association, Art Aparat, to offer singing, art, and handicraft classes by video. In person connections are preferred and missed, but the group adapted to changing circumstances to provide even more isolated seniors with social connections, and the partnership allows for cultural exchanges.

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  • Em Olinda (PE), música ajuda a preservar a história da nação Xambá

    Projeto de educação musical preserva tradição de um quilombo urbano em Olinda, no Pernambuco. A cultura religiosa do quilombo quase havia sido extinta na década de 1930.

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  • Can Greek Tragedy Get Us Through the Pandemic?

    Theater of War Productions performs Greek tragedies, using the themes to encourage dialogue and healing from modern community traumas. Beginning with military audiences, participants were asked to discuss the themes in relation to their experiences in the military or as a military spouse. They have since expanded to include other problems, such as gun and police violence. Recently, actors read Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King” in their first virtual Zoom performance to about 15,000 people. Themes of leadership during a plague, “fake news,” and conspiracies resonated with audiences during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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  • At Platinum Divaz, Black Girls Are Mentors And Leaders

    Platinum Divaz builds leadership skills and self-confidence among young people. While boys and all ethnicities are welcome to participate, the program focuses on raising the self-esteem for Black girls through dance. Divaz are assigned teammate mentors, typically teenagers, who teach dances and help younger girls with day-to-day struggles like school, bullying, and self-confidence. Practices like saying what they like about each other helps build each girl up with confidence and self-esteem. Supportive adults are also available as mentors to the girls.

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  • Anything — and anywhere — for a laugh

    With many clubs closed due to Covid-19, some comics are performing online and at socially distanced outdoor events. Club owners are adapting to changing circumstances with outdoor stages. Drive-in shows are gaining popularity, where performers are projected on a big screen, audio is piped into cars, and horns and flashing lights replace laughter and applause. With audiences still a bit hesitant to go out and technology improving, some comics are embracing virtual events. Despite lower pay, they can draw audiences from greater geographical areas. More marketing investment would boost online viewership.

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