Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Going ‘Deep Green,' Office Buildings Give Back to the Planet

    More and more commercial real estate projects are popping up around the United States that are focused on “deep green” building. This movement suggests that it’s not enough to just make a building out of renewable materials, but they can also be self-sustaining. For example, the Watershed, an office building in Seattle, has a slanted roof that collects rainwater that is then used in toilets. These types of projects can be more complicated and expensive to build, but developers can save money in the long run with the improvements.

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  • Inmate-Made Masks Help Community and Those Incarcerated, Jailer Says

    When a pandemic lockdown idled the men jailed at Woodford County Detention Center, they replaced the jobs they previously had performed in the community with work in the jail that served an immediate need: sewing protective masks. They sewed more than 28,000 masks in the first four months of the pandemic, using donated clothing as the fabric and distributing them at no cost. While the incarcerated men were paid little for their work, they said they benefited with new skills, staying active, and feeling pride in their community service.

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  • The Love Lot: Where Step Up to the Plate offers free meals, live music, and medical attention to Kensington residents during COVID-19

    Step Up to the Plate is a collaborative effort of local organizations that began as a way to help those experiencing food insecurity due to Covid-19. Three outdoor sites have expanded to provide free meals, mental health and addiction resources, COVID-19 testing, live music and art to brighten people’s spirits, and help filling out stimulus check applications. The outdoor distribution site in Kensington gives out 560 healthy lunches a day. While the effort has brought to light just how bad things had gotten, it has also shown how effective organizations can be working together to meet the community’s needs.

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  • Texas's Missing Students: Weeks After Closures, Schools in San Antonio Still Couldn't Locate Thousands of Kids. How One Band Director Finally Tracked Down His Musicians

    As thousands of students across the country stopped showing up to remote classes, schools scrambled to make contact. One Texas Band Director built on his relationships to localize his students. “He had relationships with students — his own and those between bandmates — forged long before the closures. When his personal connections played out, he called in reinforcements section by section, woodwinds finding woodwinds, brass finding brass.” The effort worked so well some teachers were asking him for help to localize other students.

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  • NC Entertainment Venues Look To Asia As They Plot How To Reopen

    Some North Carolina entertainment venues are looking to South Korea and Taiwan, where theaters and sports venues have remained open during the coronavirus pandemic. The venues have prevented the spread of COVID-19 by using clear protocols and procedures like requiring temperatures and detailed health information upon entry, as well as mask wearing and good hygiene while in the venue. Ushers closely monitor the audience and enforce compliance. Venue and health officials were also transparent when a COVID-19 case did occur, quickly notifying everyone potentially exposed so they can isolate and minimize spread.

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  • Mural project brought Black voices to a shuttered State Street

    A “rapid response” mural project transformed shuttered storefronts with vibrant messages of pride, perseverance, anger, justice, and unity. The project was funded by Arts in Public Places Looking Forward, a new organized formed to support artists impacted by Covid-19. An open call was posted for interested artists, and the project prioritized artists who had been affected by racial violence and injustice. More than 100 commissioned murals, and many more works of graffiti and public art, focused on support for the Black Lives Matter movement or called on an end to police misconduct.

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  • How ‘Sustainable' Web Design Can Help Fight Climate Change

    As part of a growing movement in sustainable software design, Danny Van Kooten, a Dutch programmer, refactored the code on his website plug-in to reduce the amount of energy expended when someone interacts with it. About 2 million websites use his plug-in and by trimming the code, he estimates that he reduced the world’s monthly carbon dioxide output by 59,000 kilograms. While larger companies like video-streaming services put out more emissions, individual website owners can take steps to reduce their own CO2 footprint.

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  • Minneapolis theater community uses stagecraft skills to support businesses of color in the aftermath of protests

    University Rebuild brings together theater members in Minneapolis who are not working due to Covid-19 to use their skills in support of the Black Lives Matters movement by helping communities clean up, make repairs, and create infrastructure to gather safely. Volunteers, numbering more than 100 within the first week, used set design and construction skills to help around 200 businesses impacted by protests following the killing of George Floyd. Windows and doors are boarded up and then prepped for murals painted by local artists and leftover materials were used to build stages for Juneteenth celebrations.

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  • Streaming into the void

    Many Montana musicians are holding virtual streaming events to deal with the financial and psychological impact of canceled music events due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Early events were well attended, with up to 100 people, and brought in more money than they would have earned playing at local bars. Interest has slowed down over time, but many musicians want to keep streaming events after the pandemic as another tool to engage audiences now that they have embraced digital delivery. The virtual events allow musicians to experiment and be creative, but most are excited to return to the energy of live shows.

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  • A Portland foundation's infusion of talent and money helps set small Maine town back on its feet

    A Portland-based foundation has revitalized a small town in Maine with the establishment of an arts colony, reconstruction of old buildings in downtown, and a full health center - a rarity for small towns. A declining population and the shuttering of major businesses contributed to the decline of Monson. The Libra Foundation's philanthropic efforts have spurred enthusiasm within the town well known for being the last stop along the Appalachian Trail.

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