Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Virtual Landscape-Architecture Camp Introduces Girls to Careers They Didn't Even Know Existed

    An Indiana-based architect started a virtual camp for elementary school-aged girls focused on the lesser-known field of landscape architecture. The weekly virtual lessons work by explaining the career and concepts of landscape architecture through fun relatable activities, and feature lectures from women working in the field. The architect leading the camp hopes the camp will engage young girls to participate in their community and introduce them to a potential career, one which is in need of more diverse perspectives.

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  • Las Vegas Mural Project Brings Color to Businesses Closed By Coronavirus

    The City of Las Vegas Redevelopment Agency is providing funding for businesses closed by COVID-19 to board up their windows with public art. Offering up to $2,000 per business, its purpose is to help support local artists who have become unemployed, and bolster public safety by discouraging break-ins. So far, more than 30 businesses have participated, with no mention of ending the program soon.

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  • Tampa Bay Area creatives make music, build virtual audiences despite COVID-19

    Tampa Bay Area performing artists are finding ways to adapt their practices to abide by the social distancing guidelines brought on by COVID-19. Creatives are learning how to stream their performances online, discovering new computer skills and software, and hosting Instagram livestreams. Not all artists have the financial luxury to only work on their art, but some of these coronavirus efforts also raise a little support through "tip jars." Everyone is eager to return to "normalcy," but these artists are happy with how they are meeting the moment.

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  • A volunteer army has answered Colorado's need for masks. Denver's jails are one recent beneficiary.

    Across Colorado, grassroots groups have come together to create homemade masks for the state’s most vulnerable populations to protect against COVID-19. Two of those populations are Denver’s Downtown Detention Center and Denver County Jail. Groups like Dena’s Mask Making Army, the Mask Mavens, and even some AA and sober living communities have rallied together – virtually, of course – to use their sewing skills to fill the mask needs, about 3 masks per person, for those experiencing incarceration.

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  • Greensboro's Art-Dotted Greenway a Respite During COVID-19, and an Economic Engine After

    The Downtown Greenway in Greensboro was already underway when the coronavirus hit and it has turned out to be quite the respite and economic boon. The Greenway draws visitors in with trails, greenways, public art, local businesses, and "the first grocery store to open in 30 years in downtown.” $8.5 million was invested in the project, but it has already brought in $215 million in revenue. The Downtown Greenway was created in partnership with the city and nonprofit Action Greensboro, and while it's currently being used with social distancing, it'll still be there when the quarantine is over.

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  • Designing Accessible Communities

    Design students are being taught about accessibility and the challenges faced by those who live with disabilities at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. While new construction must comply with basic accessibility standards, the course is taught in an effort to make accessibility a bigger factor when architects and designers build new developments.

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  • Meet The Chicago Virus Hunters Who Are Tracking Down COVID-19

    Doctors and staff at Howard Brown Health, a Chicago health center for LGBTQ patients, is using its years of experience in containing and treating HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases with contact tracing to help contain the spread of Covid-19. The conversations can sometimes be emotional and difficult. The team has found some people are afraid to get the test and others who have lost a loved one to the virus. They have interviewed over 200 people, with many more in the pipeline, and about 65% of those they talked to also tested positive for Covid-19.

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  • How Korea's galleries evaded a coronavirus standstill

    South Korea's successful response to the pandemic goes beyond containing the virus; it has also supported its art scene at a time when the arts seem to be on the backburner. Commerical galleries have been allowed to remain open with the enforcement of social distancing, hygiene, and sharing of personal information for the sake of contact tracing. While art markets around the world grind to a halt, South Korean galleries have had a steady pace of sales and are quickly returning to their pre-pandemic numbers. The government is also providing a variety of relief funds for art curators, artists, and galleries.

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  • Rave on: how livestreamed DJ sets are keeping club culture alive

    United We Stream (UWS) is a Berlin-based collaboration of nightlife businesses aiming to keep their businesses and club culture alive – and keep people entertained – during mandated closures because of COVID-19. With nightlife being hit hard by long-term closures, the collaboration offers live-stream DJ sets and asks for donations for participating businesses, with the hope that after the pandemic subsides, Europe’s club culture will survive.

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  • ‘Everyone wants to do their bit': The volunteers sewing scrubs for NHS workers

    In the United Kingdom, a grassroots network called Scrub Hub is gathering groups of volunteers to sew scrubs for hospital workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic. The groups are self-organizing, raising money on their own to buy the fabric, and have so far gathered thousands of people across the UK to help.

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