Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Show Must Go Online: Theaters Closed By COVID-19 Get Creative

    Theaters across the country have been forced to find virtual alternatives to reach their audience. For the price of a ticket, theater companies are offering access to videos of recorded shows with links that expire after one view. The virtual theater experience has been purchased by viewers around the world, opening up the opportunity to those who normally would not have the chance to attend in person while also keeping theaters financially afloat.

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  • 건반 소독 독주곡, 잠옷 협연…예술, 코로나를 넘어서다

    문화예술계에서도 '집콕'을 달래기 위한 각종 아이디어들이 만발합니다. 미국의 한 음악교사는 '소독 티슈 위한 연습곡'을, 한국예술종합학교 음악원 교수들은 영화 '기생충'을 패러디한 온라인 개강 공지를 제작하는 등 '코로나 아트'가 인기입니다.

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  • Und sie tanzen trotzdem

    Die Schließungen wegen Corona bedrohen die Ausgehkultur existenziell. Die Berliner Clubs senden dagegen mit Livestreams an, um auf die prekäre Lage aufmerksam zu machen und um zumindest etwas Geld zu verdienen. Über fünf Millionen Abrufe hatten die Streams bis Ende März, rund 370.000 Euro wurden an Spenden bislang eingeworben.

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  • Religiöse Feste in Corona-Zeiten

    Während Corona überdenken viele Gelehrte die Vorschriften ihrer Religion, damit Gläubige auch während Corona Feste feiern wie Pessach oder Ramadan feiern können. Der Ermessensspielraum unterscheidet sich von Religion zu Religion – doch fast alle greifen auf technische Lösungen zurück.

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  • Penn alums use 3-D printers to make face masks for local medical workers

    A group of University of Pennsylvania alums are working together to combine their skills and knowledge to make 3-D printed NIH-approved face shields for healthcare workers to use during the coronavirus pandemic. After using crowdfunding to support the project, and working with healthcare workers to perfect the design, the group is now being asked to send their face shields throughout the country.

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  • Detroit Gallery Packages Meals with Artist-Designed Coloring Book for Kids

    To help fill the gap for some 200 Detroit students who rely on school lunches, local artists and nonprofits are teaming up to distribute meals and provide creative inspiration. Library Street Collective, an art gallery in downtown Detroit, provides the students with sketchbooks developed by artists. Meanwhile, Standby, an acclaimed restaurant, prepares the meals. Partners from other Detroit organizations step in to help with additional logistics.

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  • Kreuzweg statt Gottesdienst

    Obwohl das Osterfest eines der wichtigsten Feste der christlichen Kirche darstellt, muss es in diesem Jahr wegen des Coronavirus ausfallen. Eine Gemeinde in Bremen hat sich eine Alternative unter freiem Himmel überlegt: ein Kreuzweg.

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  • LA's Photographers Can't Come Near You, But They'll Peep In Your Windows

    With COVID19 putting the majority of us in self-isolation or quarantine, LA-based photographers have found unique ways to capture this moment. Without coming into contact with individuals – which is often a fundamental part of their job – they use peoples’ windows to frame the photo, capturing the glare of the outside world as well.

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  • Kansas City's WWI Museum is avoiding layoffs by giving employees thousands of pages from its archives to digitize

    By assigning employees to digitization projects, the National WWI Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri, continues to operate even while day-to-day visitors stay home. To prevent staff from losing their jobs, the Museum has assigned teams to transcribe documents and letters. By shifting their priority, from interacting with visitors to processing collections, the Museum is able to make of its materials accessible to the public and researchers online.

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  • How to enjoy a new art gallery – from your living room

    In the age of social distancing due to COVID-19, Los Angeles galleries and museums are creating virtual experiences, adapting their exhibitions for people to enjoy via the internet. In one example, the Museum of Contemporary Art showcases one offering per day, like a movie night, to keep their audiences engaged.

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