Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • To solve its housing affordability crisis, Boston has turned to residents

    When local policy initiatives fail, it is often because they are not meeting local needs in a way that residents want. The Boston Housing Innovation Lab, know as the iLab, seeks to combat this challenge. So far, it has used creative approaches to let residents “experience” a policy- such as walking through an example compact house to give feedback on its design. This process informed feedback that otherwise would have been difficult to glean. By constantly seeking to understand users, the iLab and local Boston housing groups will be better equipped to create policies that actually help community members.

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  • Reimagining Norman Rockwell's America

    In the midst of a seemingly increasingly divided political and racial landscape, some artists of color are pushing back to create art that represents their own non-White communities. Some artists have chosen to do this by recreating Norman Rockwell’s paintings, which in the earlier part of his career mainly showcased White people. “The image haunted me because of the world we live in,” the artist said, referring to today’s divisive political climate. “I wanted to imagine what it would look like today.”

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  • Calgary's New Public Library Opens with Ambition and Style

    In Calgary, the new Central Library does more than just provide a beautiful space in which to read books. It also provides a place to access technology and acts as a connection space between the more and less affluent areas surrounding it. Though the architecture and design are impressive, some might say the most lasting impact is that “ this space unambiguously welcomes anyone from either side of the tracks.”

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  • What If Hip Hop Can Make Architecture and Planning Better?

    Kids will be the ones carrying out the effects of current city planning efforts. To get kids involved in city planning at a young age, Michael Ford started a series of “Hip Hop Architecture Camps.” By teaching about building, development, and neighborhoods through the lens of hip hop music, young people could engage creatively and connect to the process. The camps now takes many forms and have spread internationally.

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  • Taking Your Child to Work, When Your Job Is Making Theater

    For women working in theatre, child care remains one of the biggest barriers to advancement, but groups of mothers are working to change that and make a more welcoming work place. These solutions include work breaks long enough to accommodate breast-feeding, rooms designated for that purpose, options for babysitting during auditions, and long work hours.

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  • After decades of silence, L.A.'s Triforium becomes the 'pipe organ of light' its creator meant it to be — for three nights

    In Los Angeles, three young creatives tried to bring a renewal to the public art building the Triforium, aiming to “signal the flickering of a new movement.” They were met with limited success, in the form of a grant that sustained their project for just three nights. Though the project was not sustainable, the young idealists jump-started a project in an area of town that many had forgotten. The progress they made may inspire others to pick up where they left off.

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  • Artists Are Painting Trompe L'Oeil Murals to Soothe People with Dementia

    Diversion murals—trompe l’oeil paintings on doorways—are being used in long-term care facilities to quell dementia patients’ exit seeking behavior. Rather than using stop signs or tape, the murals are a way to address this behavior in a way that also improves residents’ quality of life.

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  • Can Engaging with Contemporary Social Issues Save the Opera?

    Opera theaters are struggling to sell tickets, but some productions are taking it as an opportunity to reinvent the way viewers experience Opera, bringing rise to a new opera. The University of California San Diego presented two new operas that dealt with gun violence and sex trafficking, while in New York the “The Mile-Long Opera” featured choir singers lined along the 1.45-mile elevated Highland park, while the audience walked freely amongst them. “An estimated fifteen thousand people attended “The Mile Long Opera.”

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  • After speaking out against Harvey Weinstein, two actresses join forces to protect others in Hollywood

    Created by three actors who are sexual assault survivors, Voices In Action is a secure and private system to report abuse. Those that report abuse can be connected to legal representation through the site as well as receive notification if a report is made against their abuser.

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  • Femmes dans le jeu vidéo: «l'association Women in Games met une claque à tout le monde»

    Cette association de promotion de la mixité dans l'industrie du jeu vidéo mènent de multiples actions pour rendre les professionnelles françaises plus visibles.

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