Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Mount Vernon turned an old industrial site into a stunning park

    Mount Vernon’s Ariel-Foundation Park is largely a success story of balancing historical preservation with recreational growth. The park sits where there used to be a glass manufacturing plant. Rather than hide this, the design of the 250-acre park maintains the identity of the industrial past while still creating a beautiful green space. Through individual leadership, donations from private institutions, and support from the local government, the park is thriving today. (This is the fourth article in a four part series).

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  • The ballerina who rescued 100,000 children with hip-hop

    Vania Masías abandoned her prolific career as a professional ballerina to teach impoverished youth in Peru hip hop. “More than 100,000 children have passed through the programme over the years.”

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  • Can Art Heal? How A Lagos Creative Group Is Using Art As Therapy

    The pediatric oncology ward at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital is using art therapy to help their patients heal emotionally from treatment. The Arts in Medicine Project utilizes several forms of artistic expression to help patients express their emotions.

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  • 99 Problems and SATs Ain't One: How Hip-Hop Literacy Programs Improve Student Reading Skills

    A growing group of teachers is using hip-hop to improve students' understanding of U.S. history concepts and knowledge of SAT-level vocabulary. Austin Martin, who developed Rhymes for Reason, hopes that his program and others "will help show that hip-hop—and by extension AAVE [African American Vernacular English]—is a valid and useful educational tool."

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  • ‘Black Panther' Threw a Spotlight on Diversity and the Twin Cities is Taking Note

    Minneapolis’ Twin Cities Black Film Festival highlights the work of black actors and filmmakers for the last sixteen years. It also helps grow the next generation of filmmakers through workshops as well as helping to expand the audience for film by offering subsidized transportation to screenings.

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  • The chewing gum you don't mind stuck to your shoe Audio icon

    Did you know that the main ingredient in most chewing gum is a synthetic rubber, which resembles a close relationship to plastic? "It's called polyisobutylene," explains Anna Bullus, a British designer, "the same stuff you find in the inner tube of bicycle wheels." After realizing this, Anna decided to embark on a mission to recycle used chewing gum as a means of cleaning up the streets. What resulted was a way to create everyday products that include at least 20% gum, while simultaneously saving institutions money on what otherwise would have gone toward cleanup efforts.

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  • Instagram art project spreads awareness about femicides in Mexico

    The project No estamos todas (“We are not all here”) was founded to call attention to rising rate of female homicide victims in Mexico as well as to commemorate victim’s lives. Artists are commissioned to make a woman’s portrait—often incorporating aspects of their lives—and these portraits are shared on the project’s Instagram account. Since November of 2017, over 80 portraits have been made and shared.

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  • How Curators Are Taking Over Vacant Spaces and Changing Cities

    All around the world there is a trend for pop-ups to take over empty spaces and give the spaces meaning for a short period of time. For instance, in a time when capitalism dominates society, the Museum of Capitalism filled an Oakland warehouse for two months to spark conversation on the topic. These pop-ups act as an educational resource, a creative asset to neighborhoods, and a more accessible way for artists to engage with social issues and a large audience.

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  • Working with Dark Light: Puerto Rican artists are healing the spirits that Hurricane Maria broke

    In the wake of Hurricane Maria, artists are putting on performances of all kinds in traditional and non-traditional spaces. These performances provide entertainment; express pain, loss, and anger; satirize and critique government inaction; and instill pride and hope.

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  • 'The magic of cinema': the club supporting older people with HIV

    While treatment has stabilized the physical health of people living with HIV/AIDS, their diagnosis can be isolating and—for people over 50–the death of friends during the 80s and 90s may lead to increased social isolation. To provide a social activity among a group of peers, the Silver Surfers Club was founded in London offering screenings of classic films for people with HIV diagnoses.

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