Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Hong Kong's Pedestrian Mecca Gets the Axe

    Excessive noise, particularly from street performers, can sound the demise of pedestrian zones. After 18 years, Sai Yeung Choi Street South will reopen to cars. Another solution could have been better noise regulation, says a district councilor disappointed with the decision. That option seemed to work in a simulation project on the street.

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  • Three ways cities remodelled their streets for people, not cars

    Pedestrian-oriented development takes many forms, but three cities have demonstrated success. In New York City, a local transit commissioner convinced the city to pedestrianize parts of Times Square using data to make the case. In San Paulo, local officials simply repainted streets to test redesign efforts. Finally, Barcelona is becoming known for its superblocks, which decrease car use by redesigning large city blocks.

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  • How to build a bike-share system for people of all abilities

    MoGo, a bike-sharing program in Detroit, listened to user feedback and launched an adaptive bicycle pilot program. Though only 13 bikes are part of the program, they will make urban biking accessible to people with limited mobility. If the pilot is deemed a success, Detroit will be a leader in the inclusive bike space in Michigan.

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  • Copenhagen Mastermind Jan Gehl Isn't Sold on 'Smart' Cities

    Copenhagen is a highly livable city, thanks to policies that focus on making streets safe and convenient to walk. The bigger the city, the worse it is to design urban spaces only with cars in mind, says planner and architect Jan Gehl. His top advice is to gather data about people and their movements, making pedestrians as visible in city planning as automobile traffic.

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  • Stuck in traffic? These folks found a solution by joining a vanpool

    When public transportation is not an option and commuting alone is undesirable, vanpools are a great option for shared commuting. Seattle’s vanpool program is the largest in the country, with 1,469 vanpools, followed by Los Angeles and San Diego. Company buy-in helps, such as when Boeing and Microsoft offered subsidies to those using vanpools. The goal is to decrease costs and drive-alone rates in major cities.

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  • As Seattle struggles with bike lanes, Vancouver, B.C., has won the battle

    As Seattle tries to implement bike lanes effectively, it can look to Vancouver as a success story. Vancouver’s bike lanes are physically separated from roads, making riders safer and increasing the number of people who commute by bike by 60% since 2013. After several tests and then responding to both positive and negative public feedback, Vancouver has miles of bike lanes connecting many parts of the city.

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  • Did a Hundred Homeowners Just Change the Great Lakes Forever?

    Lakefront homeowners in Euclid, Ohio didn't want to give up their land for public use until the city offered them a fair deal—the city will build a trail that reinforces the shoreline on their properties in exchange for public access. Their collaboration has another bonus: raising property value and beautifying the city.

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  • How snow has become a tool in urban planning

    An increasing number of cities are looking to redesign roadways, sidewalks, and intersections based on the way spaces are needed after snow storms. Snow piles left after snowplows carve paths for vehicles are basically unused pavement that could be repurposed for things like wider sidewalks, green spaces, and bike paths. Philadelphia officials have redone an intersection after viewing photos by residents and advocates showing unused portions of pavement.

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  • Why good policies go wrong: Seattle's botched bikeshare model

    Traffic for both everyday commuters and tourists in big cities has increasingly become more of a hassle across nations. Various cities like Portland, Oregon have found success with bikeshare models. Seattle, however, found failure with this approach first. By learning from what didn't work, the city has been able to pilot new bikeshare models that so far are showing more potential than limitations.

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  • Sharing the Road: How Can We End Bike Fatalities on Chicago's Streets?

    Chicago officials strive to make the city safer for bicyclists by looking for inspiration in other cities, adopting the "Vision Zero" initiative that aims for zero traffic-related deaths, and investing in education platforms. While the city has made progress in creating bicycle-only lanes on the road, local officials still move forward in implementing a more comprehensive plan for traffic safety.

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