Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Europe manages to keep a lid on coronavirus unemployment while it spikes in the U.S.

    European countries like France and Germany have been able to keep their unemployment rates low because of pre-existing programs that have been called to action during COVID-19. In France, the government subsidizes up to 84% of wages to incentive companies not to lay their employees off. In Germany, their short-time work program pays up to two-thirds of employee pay. While not an inexpensive method, some say it could help their economies replenish quicker after the pandemic.

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  • Local Farmers Act Fast to Meet the Current Crisis

    In Rhode Island, a collaborative, farmer-run food delivery service has come together as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As farmers around the state saw massive declines in orders, they came together to create an online ordering service and deliver their food, things like produce, coffee, flowers, and eggs, themselves. Since inception, they saw immediate success and have been working to figure out how to scale and serve more people.

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  • A Bookstore That Closed During the Pandemic Started a Literature Hotline. Now People Are Calling in for Life Advice.

    When the coronavirus pandemic forced a local bookstore in Texas to shut its doors for safety concerns, the owner launched a hotline for readers to call into for book recommendations. Although the instant success has seen a slight decrease in callers as the pandemic has continued, it's still retaining a steady number with many callers turning into patrons.

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  • 12 Ways Communities Are Taking Care of Each Other During the Pandemic

    With a crisis as ubiquitous as the COVID-19 pandemic, silver bullets simply do not exist. Fortunately, many grassroots initiatives have sprung up around the United States, like Pass the Lettuce, which encourages people to donate their stimulus checks if they are able, the Coronavirus Relief Fund, which provides relief to domestic workers forced to stay home, and the Sex Worker Relief Fund, which gives aid to sex workers who are outside of the system.

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  • Swiss lead way with crisis loans to small businesses

    The Swiss government's economic stimulus package for small business is being lauded around the world for its speed and efficiency. They have pledged $40 billion in emergency loans to support small businesses during the coronavirus pandemic. The application is only a page long, the loan is interest-free, and businesses receive the money almost immediately. Their success is credited to their insular network of businesses and political elites that made the rollout exceptionally quick.

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  • From limoncello to lemon-scented hand sanitizer

    To avoid laying off employees during the coronavirus pandemic, a New Hampshire small business that manufactured hard lemonade and liquors turned their operation into producing hand sanitizer for first responders. Although many distilleries have implemented this practice, this company's new endeavor has still already fulfilled orders from "hospitals and first responders, including the Massachusetts State Trooper Association."

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  • Local banks step up in the fight to keep Covid-19 economic calamity at bay

    Throughout the economic crash of 2008, banks were "vilified" for their response, but as the economy again teeters on crashing during the coronavirus pandemic, regulators have been able to be proactive in their approach. While several banks are making financial contributions to philanthropies, and public health efforts or creating relief funds, others have agreed to temporary forbearance on certain types of loans which enables "local business owners and workers to defer payments without penalty to the end of their loan terms."

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  • LA restaurants adjust to COVID-19 rules, keep their staff working

    As many restaurants shift to delivery or take-out early due to the coronavirus pandemic, others are finding success in shifting their business models to become markets and bodegas. Although this isn't necessarily sustainable long-term, it has in the interim worked well for a pizzeria in the Hollywood area and has allowed the cafe to keep all employees on staff and even afforded them raises. It has also shed light on the need for cross-sector collaboration between city, county, and state governments.

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  • ‘There Will Be Enough for Everyone': Berlin Distributes €500 Million to Artists and Freelancers Within Four Days of Launching Its Grant Program

    In Berlin, Germany, the local government acted rapidly to deploy 500 million euros worth of grant money to freelancers and small businesses within days of setting up the fund. Despite a rocky launch and some residual concerns over data breaches, the grants, ranging from 5,000 euros to 15,000, have kept the local economy afloat for now.

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  • Pastured Meat Producers are Facing Catastrophic Losses. These Efforts Could Help Them Weather the Pandemic. Audio icon

    Small-scale livestock producers and farmers are facing dire economic consequences from the coronavirus pandemic, so many are turning to a collective approach to help one another out. From home-delivery services to pivoting to online sales, farmers across the nation are testing out different models to survive the economic downturn.

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