Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • These co-op restaurants didn't need to open indoor dining to survive the pandemic

    Two Baltimore restaurants, Red Emma's and Joe Squared, show how running or starting as worker-owned cooperatives gave them pandemic-survival skills in a business climate that killed many other small businesses. By tapping into larger networks providing financing on favorable terms and other expertise, these co-ops used their workers' ingenuity to offer services that didn't depend on sit-down dining. Like many co-ops, they were able to survive the pandemic and preserve jobs where so many traditionally run businesses were not.

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  • How Oakland's Street Level Health Project navigated the pandemic year

    Residents in Oakland can access grocery distribution, hot meals, hand sanitizers, and vaccine coordination through the Street Level Health Project. Most of the community members who have used the service are Latinx day laborers.

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  • Pop-up clinics reaching Utah's vaccine hesitant communities

    Pop-up vaccination sites in Utah are helping to eliminate barriers for those in the community who want to receive a Covid vaccination. By bringing the vaccinations directly to the individual communities, health care providers have been able to alleviate issues such as transportation troubles and language barriers, while also increasing trust.

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  • The Pandemic Modernized School Board Meetings — Will the Changes Last?

    School districts across the country from Miami, FL, to Richmond, VA, had to modernize their school meetings to follow safety precautions of the pandemic. To do this, school districts moved their school board meetings to online platforms, or allowed participants to leave comments through voicemail messages. While these solutions were not perfect, it made it easier and convenient for parents to participate.

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  • The Cherokee Nation to Produce Its Own PPE

    The Cherokee Nation had a hard time sourcing personal protective equipment for health workers, citizens, and others during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tribal leaders decided to use a portion of the CARES Act funding to create their own manufacturing facilities to produce PPE for both Cherokee Nation citizens and non-citizens. Though still in the testing phase, the facilities are already training 10 people and plan to employ a minimum of 25 people. They will make about 200,000 surgical masks a day and will also produce N95 and N99 masks that they will distribute to healthcare workers and other organizations.

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  • Getting Vaccinated in the Holy Month

    The Neighbourhood Organization has helped organized pop-up clinics to administer the COVID-19 vaccine, including a culturally inclusive pop-up clinic in Thorncliffe Park, which has a large Muslim population. The vaccine rollout occurred during Ramadan and some had concerns over whether the vaccine was halal or if it would break one’s fast. As a workaround, organizers decided to extend the clinic until midnight so that people could come after they completed their fasting. Community ambassadors helped spread the word and the well-attended clinic ended up running until after 1:00 am.

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  • How co-ops across the US weathered COVID-19 by prioritizing their workers

    Worker-run co-ops in the food industry and in the care sector, industries hard hit by COVID-19, have proved resilient in weathering the pandemic. Some, like Cooperative Home Care Associates, partnered with other co-ops to provide discounted PPE supplies for workers. Others provide job opportunities for people who have trouble getting a foothold, like ChiFresh Kitchen’s formerly incarcerated women worker-owners and Red Emma’s in Baltimore. Worker-owner models can also pivot operations more quickly, which helped Brooklyn Packers respond to the pandemic by providing fresh produce to those in need.

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  • How Australia kept COVID in check, and what lessons the world can take from it

    Strict and early knockdowns and consistent public health messaging have helped Australia effectively eliminate Covid-19. Now, the country and its residents have largely returned to business as usual, despite many citizens still waiting to receive the Covid vaccine.

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  • Talk, trust and transportation helps in getting out the vaccine

    Building trust, engaging in personal conversations, and providing services that reduce barriers to getting vaccinated have helped increase the COVID-19 vaccination rates in some Cleveland neighborhoods. Posting information in local businesses and apartment building allows people to access information in private. Community health workers also meet people where they are in order to build relationships and gain their trust. Many community groups and health workers offer services that reduce common barriers to getting vaccinated, like transportation, child care, and wage replacement for taking time off.

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  • Meet Ontario's small-town vaccine hunter

    A nursing station in Foleyet, Ontario has remodeled its annual flu outreach as part of a campaign to help those who have had trouble scheduling their Covid vaccination appointments. Similar efforts are underway in other remote and rural parts of Ontario, which has helped most of these areas remain on par with the larger region's vaccination rate.

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