Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Senegal stretched its health care system to stop Covid-19

    Senegal limited COVID-19 cases in the pandemic’s first year using an existing infrastructure built from dealing with Ebola outbreaks. Coordinated emergency response teams quickly expanded testing capacity across the country and positive cases were required to quarantine in hotels or health centers, where Red Cross volunteers staffed the beds, rather than at home. Village health workers, who were trusted community members, educated people on how to respond to the virus, helped reduce the stigma of the virus, and urged people to follow the strict social distancing, masking, and quarantining rules.

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  • Indians are crowdsourcing aid as covid surges

    In India, citizen-led small-scale digital efforts are helping to connect Covid-19 patients with the resources, supplies, and medical equipment they need to survive. The citizen groups are largely using online platforms to crowdsource what they need, with some matching buyers and sellers and others "debunking inaccurate leads."

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  • How vaccination became 'hip' in the '50s, thanks to teens

    In the 1950s, the National Institute for Infantile Paralysis launched a nationwide public health campaign to encourage teenagers to receive the polio vaccine. Tactics included interviewing and recruiting teenagers to be spokespeople to better frame messaging around vaccine hesitancy and make the act of getting the vaccine "cool."

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  • The detection dogs tracking poachers and Covid-19

    Detection dogs and their handlers can be trained to sniff out any number of problems. In eastern Africa, the Canines for Conservation project has deployed dogs to search for poachers and illegally harvested wildlife products. By tracking poachers from the scenes of illegal kills and finding ivory and rhino horns stashed in warehouses and shipping containers far more efficiently than X-ray methods, the project has contributed to nearly 400 product seizures, higher conviction rates, and elimination of elephant poaching in parts of Kenya. The next frontier being tested: detecting COVID-19 infections.

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  • UGA Multicultural Organizations Find Success With Drive-Ins for In-Person Events

    To maintain community connections, University of Georgia’s Multicultural Services and Programs hosted socially-distanced drive-in events on UGA fields. The Vietnamese Student Association hosted its annual Night In Saigon, where attendees could watch the performances from their cars, with masks on if their windows were down. Over 200 people attended the Black Affairs Council’s BACYard Bash event celebrating Black culture. A COVID-19 committee walked around the event to ensure people wore masks and remained six feet apart. Food trucks served attendees to comply with food preparation restrictions.

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  • How to Sell the Coronavirus Vaccines to a Divided, Uneasy America

    To help address Covid vaccine hesitancy, the non-profit marketing firm Ad Council and its partners developed a multi-dimensional public service campaign. Relying on a balance between appealing to personal responsibility and to the desire to return to normalcy, they focused the messaging and their efforts on encouraging people to do their research and ask the questions that were stopping them from being vaccinated. Preliminary data indicate that the campaign has reached hundreds of thousands of people and encouraged conversations that have impacted the public attitude towards the vaccines.

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  • How A U.K. Imam Countered Vaccine Hesitancy And Helped Thousands Get The 'Jab'

    Sheikh Nuru Mohammed uses weekly sermons as imam at Al-Abbas mosque to dispel false information about the COVID-19 vaccine, inspiring hundreds of skeptical congregants to get vaccinated. He also turned the mosque into a vaccination center and 50 mosques have since done the same. Mohammed’s public vaccination and his sermons, which emphasize getting information from experts not social media posts, make an impact because it is coming from a trusted source rather than government officials. The mosque also delivered over 15,000 doses to people in the area, making an important connection with the local community.

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  • Prioritizing Incarcerated People for Vaccine Quickly Reduced COVID in Illinois Prisons

    After incarcerated people, their families, and advocates pressured the state of Illinois to prioritize offering the Covid vaccines to those in prison, the rate of Covid transmission among the population significantly declined. Although the rollout did not go entirely smoothly and guards have been reluctant to receive the shot, 69% of the incarcerated population in the state have been vaccinated.

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  • Local literacy project continues serving children & families amid COVID-19

    The Laundry Basket Library project is a volunteer-run group that distributes free books to adults and children throughout the city. The Project has 26 distribution sites, including laundromats, bus stations, and clinics. During the pandemic, the group also partnered with local organizations like Court Appointed Special Advocates and the local school district to continue delivering books to those who wanted them.

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  • Cleveland's Black Churches Host Vaccine Clinics To Protect Their Flock

    Black churches in Cleveland are transforming into vaccine clinics during the coronavirus pandemic to help get shots into the arms of those who have had trouble accessing a vaccine appointment. The sites have largely reported that of the 2,700 people who have received their first dose through the initiative, the vast majority of the shots they've administered have gone to Black people.

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