Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 16 Raleigh churches begin to chip away at NC's inequity in vaccine distribution

    A partnership between WakeMed and Wake County Public Health made 1,700 shots available with vaccine clinics in 16 churches and a community center. Trusted messengers, like pastors, are more effective at communicating why people should get vaccinated and convincing them to actually get the shot. Local availability helps people overcome transportation and other equity concerns, like needing access to the county’s online registration system or waiting on hold to make an appointment. The sites offered on-site registration and on-site and culturally and linguistically appropriate information.

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  • This Cambridge high school made changes during the pandemic, leading to remote-learning success

    Although the pandemic brought many difficulties to school across the globe, some institutions saw it as the time to innovate and rethink learning delivery. Cambridge High School Extension Program, "an alternative school for academically struggling students," decided to start school later in the day, schedule one-on-on sessions for students with their teachers, and distributed computers and Wi-Fi hotspots. The result has been nearly a 50% decrease in the number of chronically absent students, and an increase from 20 to 60% of students achieving honor roll.

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  • The N.F.L. Had Over 700 Coronavirus Positives. The Seahawks Had None.

    During the NFL's 2020/21 season, "700 players, coaches and other team personnel tested positive for the coronavirus," but none of those individuals were associated with the Seattle Seahawks – the only team that lasted the entire season without one positive case. The Seahawks enacted strict protocols such as dividers between showers and lockers, upgraded ventilation systems, daily testing, and a mobile meal app, but they also relied on innovative tactics like creating a competition for which position group could maintain the fewest close contacts.

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  • Smallpox used to kill millions of people every year. Here's how humans beat it.

    The eradication of smallpox offers lessons and insight for health officials and governments focused on containing the novel coronavirus and avoiding future pandemics. Although COVID-19 presents unique challenges – such as asymptomatic transmission – lessons from the smallpox era show that "a well-funded, well-supported public health system" was a key to success.

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  • Could offering a training program boost the number of substitute teachers?

    The Substitute Teacher Training Program in Rhode Island is helping to fill a need for substitute teachers, as well as helping those looking for a job a quick way to find employment. The program is completely free, self-paced, available online, but rigorous nonetheless. Over 1,200 people enrolled in the program when it opened late 2020, and so far 200 people have completed the program and 140 have found employment.

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  • Covid-Certified Businesses Try to Woo Leery Patrons

    Colorado counties have launched "The 5-star Certification Program" as a way to incintivize businesses to comply with COVID-related precautions. Businesses that join the program must agree to adhere to certain public health protocols, and in return they are held to less stringent rules that those who are not part of the program. Although it is yet to be seen if this is an effective method to slow the spread of the virus, the program has spread to other states as a way of avoiding economic devastation.

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  • Antibody infusions are stemming Covid hospitalizations in Lafayette

    Hospitals in Louisiana are using a monoclonal antibody infusion treatment to help the most at-risk patients recover from Covid-19. Although this treatment comes with limitations – including a 10-day window of when it must be administered – it has shown significant overall mortality declines when used.

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  • Video Game-Themed Writing Workshops Draw Homeless Teens Together in a Time of Isolation

    Bronx shelters have teamed up with industry professionals to put together an after-school program offering students an opportunity to receive mentorship. In the program, which is based around video game-themed writing workshops, students are able to practice their writing skills, while being able to manage pandemic-induced isolation by connecting with other students and instructors.

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  • Cleveland saw a decrease in unsheltered homelessness in 2020: Can that continue?

    During 2020, the city of Cleveland reduced the rate of people experiencing homelessness by 30% due to provisions put in place to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus. Using eviction moratoriums for those at risk of losing their homes, and hotels for those who were unhoused, the agencies responding to homelessness along with the city and county were able to better engage with the community's needs.

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  • LRT ieško sprendimų: kodėl Danija skiepija greičiau nei kitos ES šalys?

    Danijoje visuomenė nuo COVID-19 per pandemiją buvo skiepijama kur kas sparčiau, nei kitose Europos šalyse. Su kiekvienu piliečiu šalyje per sveikatos elektroninę sistemą susisiekiama, paskiriamas vakcinacijos laikas, vykdoma plati informavimo apie skiepų naudą kampanija, aiškinama apie tai, kodėl vienos socialinės grupės turi prioritetą pasiskiepyti anksčiau negu kitos. Ko galėtų pasimokyti Lietuva?

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