Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Baltimore Escaped the Worst of Covid-19

    The city of Baltimore escaped the worst of COVID-19 with high vaccination rates, high rates of health coverage, and strong support from political leaders who cooperated across ideological lines. Medicaid expansion helped achieve relatively high health insurance rates. Officials were also a bit more and cautious in reopening businesses and schools and relaxing mask requirements. The city didn’t escape the death and illness seen during the pandemic, but for these reasons it fared better than comparable areas.

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  • How a Group of Black Doctors Got Philadelphia Vaccinated

    More than half of Philadelphia’s Black residents were vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine due to the efforts of the Black Doctors Consortium: A group of health-care professionals that was present within the community through mobile-testing sites, general health checkups, and a presence that built trust during the pandemic. When the vaccine became available the Black Doctors Consortium was able to draw large numbers of people to their vaccination site.

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  • ‘I understand your concern': Sedgwick County's COVID Ambassador program beats back vaccine hesitancy

    The COVID Ambassador program trains people to listen, be empathetic, and acknowledge people’s COVID-19 vaccine concerns. Ambassadors’ training includes substantial practice talking to people who are resistant to getting vaccinated and they receive ongoing support at bi-monthly meetings, which has increased their confidence and led to more conversations with community members hesitant to get vaccinated. Like other community health worker programs, the ambassador program’s ability to be successful relies on the idea that people trust information from their peers more than from the government.

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  • Medication and Recovery: Doctors Say Access to Critical Addiction Care is Difficult in Appalachia

    The Health Wagon provides medical care to those experiencing addiction. The Health Wagon also provides services for those in recovery, including medications, counseling, and peer support groups in an effort to reduce relapses and overdose deaths which have skyrocketed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • Colleges fight hunger, fill basic needs to keep students in school

    Cleveland State University used a grant to open up Lift Up Vikes! Resource Center and Food Pantry on campus where students in need can get groceries, including fresh produce and canned goods. Many CSU students faced food insecurity during COVID-19 shutdowns after being laid off and the university aims to help with day-to-day needs in order to keep students enrolled. Due to pandemic-related restrictions, students register online and then pick up bags of groceries at the pantry with only a limited number of people allowed to visit the food pantry at one time.

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  • Spain has one the highest vaccination rates in the world without government mandates or incentives. Here is what's behind the Spanish success story and what others could learn from it.

    Spain achieved one of the highest vaccination rates among Western countries in part because of longstanding trust and confidence in the public health system and data-informed strategies. The public generally trusted the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine because of a history of cooperation and positive public health outcomes. The norm of inter-generational living also gave young people more incentive to get vaccinated to protect their elderly residents and officials used this as part of the public health messaging. Officials also personally called and set up vaccine appointments for everyone they could reach.

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  • Building Alliances: How rural St. Landry Parish gave its Covid vaccination effort a boost

    A pre-existing resource directory formed by a consortium of local groups addressing community health allowed St. Landry Parish to react quickly to the COVID-19 pandemic and deploy resources more effectively. The network was quickly mobilized and representatives from government agencies, the police, hospitals, and business owners met daily to coordinate care, answer questions and dispel misinformation, and eventually, ensure access to vaccines.

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  • By boat, by motorbike, by foot

    IPSI Palaima is working to vaccinate Indigenous families who live in hard-to-reach areas of La Guajira, where there are no paved roads, electricity, or running water and staff must use cars, boats, and motorbikes to reach them. A team of nursing assistants and a doctor spend 15 days at a time at a local outpost and travel by motorbike to surrounding communities, carrying vaccines in cooler bags. The organization was founded by an Indigenous woman who grew up in the area. Many of the staff members speak the local language, which can ease the communities’ vaccine hesitation and mistrust of authorities.

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  • COVID-19: Nigerian youth initiative leverages technology to provide low-income children access to education 

    Digilearns is a learning intervention platform created to deliver learning materials to students across the country through the use of mobile phones and doesn’t require an internet connection, making education more accessible and affordable to students, particularly those from low-income families. Since launching in 2020, Digilearns has provided access to educational materials to more than 1,000 secondary school children.

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  • Lauko klasės, atskirti mokinių srautai ir testavimas – Vilniaus mokykla išmoko pandemijos pamokas

    Per COVID-19 pandemiją privati Demokratinė mokykla viena pirmųjų Lietuvoje sugrąžino vaikus į klases ir sugebėjo užtikrinti itin mažą sergamumą. Mokyklos bendruomenei tai pavyko perkeliant dalį ugdymo į lauko klases, reguliuojant vaikų srautus ir plačiai taikant testavimą. Ar gali Demokratinės mokyklos pandemijos valdymo strategija būti pritaikyta ir kitose Lietuvos mokyklose?

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