Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Forgotten Stones That Still Inspire Turks to Help Their Neighbors

    Building on a history of anonymous charity, a mosque in northern Istanbul started a pop-up communal food bank to help those most impacted by the pandemic. The initiative is one of several mutual aid efforts underway in the municipality, with each paying homage to the nation's historical use of a charity stone - a place where "people who had money would leave some on top of the stone, and those who didn’t would take some, according to their need."

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  • Como o SUS usa o WhatsApp para monitorar a covid-19 no Brasil

    O sistema público de saúde brasileiro começou a usar o WhatsApp para monitorar pacientes durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Uma pesquisa mostrou que o aplicativo é usado por 41% dos profissionais de saúde para fazer o monitoramento e fica atrás apenas das ligações telefônicas (78%).

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  • Contact Tracers in Massachusetts Might Order Milk or Help With Rent. Here's Why.

    In Massachusettes, contact tracers for COVID-19 are tasked with an additional responsibility that includes acting as a care resource coordinator to better help those they're interacting with make "the best choice for the public." So far, approximately 10-15% of those who have been contacted as part of contact tracing efforts have utilized the assistance service which has helped them stay isolated while still having access to necessities such as "food, medicine, masks and cleaning supplies."

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  • 'No one should go hungry': street fridges of free food help Americans survive Covid pandemic Audio icon

    Community refrigerators full of free food for anyone in need have popped up in the New York metro area. "Fridge keepers" help keep the fridges stocked either personally or through the help of locals and restaurants who want to help their neighbors. With federal aid ending for those who lost their jobs due to the pandemic, some locals have relied on the stocked fridges for their next meal.

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  • A cidade que domou a covid: sem óbitos, Trajano de Moraes (RJ) distribuiu máscaras, fez barreiras sanitárias e rastreia o vírus com testes

    A reportagem mostra que Trajano de Moraes, cidade localizada no interior do Rio de Janeiro, conseguiu manter a pandemia de Covid-19 controlada ao fazer barreiras sanitárias, distribuir máscaras para a população, rastrear o vírus com testes PCR e manter infectados isolados. Segundo o epidemiologista da Fiocruz (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz), Diego Ricardo Xavier, Trajano de Moraes é um bom exemplo para cidades pequenas.

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  • COVID-19: NC rural mental health outreach gets creative

    Mental health agencies in North Carolina have partnered with a mobile phone carrier to provide data-enabled smartphones to individuals who lack access to technology during the pandemic. Because this doesn't provide a solution to all, however, mental health experts are also meeting with patients outside in social distanced settings.

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  • Cama e colchão que protegem barriga ajudam gestantes graves de Covid-19

    Dois hospitais públicos de São Paulo apresentaram resultados positivos em testes de camas e colchões especiais para grávidas com Covid-19. Os equipamentos protegem a barriga da mulher que esteja em situação grave da doença.

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  • On dangerous ground

    When an eviction moratorium expired and the government's pandemic aid spigot closed, Boulder County nonprofits and public agencies mounted a coordinated response to address a looming homelessness crisis. A gusher of donations created an eviction legal defense fund, a rental assistance program, and other aid to people struggling to pay utility and food bills. In just three months, 800 households received help in forestalling evictions while thousands more received legal and humanitarian services. Despite the community support, housing risks remain without a resumption of emergency government aid.

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  • Como a UFPel realizou a maior pesquisa sobre a Covid-19 no mundo

    A reportagem mostra uma grande pesquisa sobre Covid-19 realizada pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas no Brasil. Os primeiros resultados estimularam governantes a pensarem em levantamentos mais aprofundados e regionais.

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  • How to save a life: Easing grief from inside COVID ICUs

    To combat the grief, trauma, and frustration caused by COVID-19 hospitalizations where families are cut off from loved ones and from most information about their care and condition, the staff at Vincent Pallotti Hospital created a new way of capturing doctors' updates on patients that improved the flow of information. Instead of recording their observations and treatments on paper charts, doctors enter the information on an online system. Volunteer counselors with access to that information then update families daily, relieving some stress and bringing solace to families and patients alike.

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