Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 건반 소독 독주곡, 잠옷 협연…예술, 코로나를 넘어서다

    문화예술계에서도 '집콕'을 달래기 위한 각종 아이디어들이 만발합니다. 미국의 한 음악교사는 '소독 티슈 위한 연습곡'을, 한국예술종합학교 음악원 교수들은 영화 '기생충'을 패러디한 온라인 개강 공지를 제작하는 등 '코로나 아트'가 인기입니다.

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  • Coronavirus diaries are helping people cope. They're also a research gold mine

    As the COVID-19 pandemic continues on, people are turning to social media to share their stories and find communities. With a flood of misinformation online and mixed messaging from government leaders, many are documenting their own experiences having the novel coronavirus to give contextual experiences and reduce others’ anxiety. Researchers have noticed this spike in digital diaries and are using it for research as well.

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  • An Alachua County COVID-19 Portal Matches Volunteers With Those Needing Help

    The county of Alachua in Florida has created a centralized online portal that connects volunteers with those who need assistance during the coronavirus pandemic. The portal also expands access to who has been able to volunteer thus far, allowing those who may be more vulnerable due to underlying health conditions to take opportunities that can be fulfilled from home.

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  • Comic Relief From COVID-19: Leaders Really Meme It When They Say Stay Home

    Some officials are using humor to urge citizens to follow Covid-19 directives like staying at home and social distancing. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot used memes shared under #whereslightfoot as inspiration for a public service announcement, where she uses humor to reinforce the city’s stay at home order. Other officials, such as the governors of New York, California, and Kentucky, have created humorous videos, engaged in playful banter, and enlisted the help of famous comedians to reach people. The response has been positive, but some critics worry that sarcasm can cause people to push back on the advice.

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  • Operation Food Bank Feeds 390 Families

    Due to COVID-19, the Connecticut Food Bank has not been able to staff their food pantry distributors and thus drop off food with no distribution help. The town of Hamden whipped up an army of volunteers in response to make sure that no families went without food during this trying times. Demand was so great that unfortunately, after distributing food to 357 cars, they had to turn away another 400 cars. Volunteers are dedicated to continuing this new makeshift food pantry every few weeks until supplies run out.

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  • How these immigrants are giving back to their new community

    A nonprofit in Tulsa that used to teach immigrant and refugee women sewing skills as a means of income has pivoted to producing masks for the community instead. Even after the quarantine was imposed, the women who had a sewing machine at home coordinated a system with each other to drop off supplies and pick up masks, including creating a Whatsapp group for sewing questions. The process hasn't been perfect yet, and they are still working out the kinks, but voices in the organization describe the impact of being able to give back to one's community.

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  • Religiöse Feste in Corona-Zeiten

    Während Corona überdenken viele Gelehrte die Vorschriften ihrer Religion, damit Gläubige auch während Corona Feste feiern wie Pessach oder Ramadan feiern können. Der Ermessensspielraum unterscheidet sich von Religion zu Religion – doch fast alle greifen auf technische Lösungen zurück.

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  • The power of love and a quarantine creates Project 88

    To address the boredom and isolation that many artists are feeling during the coronavirus pandemic, a local independent filmmaker in Oregon created a film project to act as a creative outlet that attracted contributions from more than 300 people across the world. The project – “Project 88: Back to the Future Too” – invited people to recreate one of 88 scenes from the popular franchise film, which filmmaker Taylor Morden then stitched together into the final movie and released online.

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  • High School Students Are Delivering Groceries To LA Seniors For Free

    What started as one high school student delivering groceries to her grandmother has turned into a full-fledged organization called Zoomers to Boomers. Another similar group called Shopping Helpers LA has also popped up in the area with 300 high school volunteers delivering 100 grocery requests per day.

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  • Isolation: Was wir von Astronauten lernen können

    Auf engem Raum, in einem streng getakteten Alltag und ohne frische Luft zu schnappen: Wie hält man es Monate im Weltraum und mit der Crew aus? Mit Respekt, Empathie, Kommunikation – und viel Übung.

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