Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Herzlich auf Distanz

    In Hamburg möchten Tausende den Corona-Risikogruppen helfen. Doch es benötigt viel Koordination, um Hilfesuchende und Helfende zusammenzubringen. Und: klare Regeln.

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  • Retired nurses, health care providers volunteer to support front-line workers in NH, Vt.

    After the New Hampshire Nurses Association sent out a survey to the state's retired nurses, hundreds of them volunteered to address the state's healthcare worker shortfall amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The reserves will address a growing need, as well as relieve the already overstretched frontline healthcare workers fighting the pandemic.

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  • Lockdown living: how Europeans are avoiding going stir crazy

    As governments order lockdowns of cities and countries due to coronavirus concerns, many people are at risk for experiencing mental health issues such as loneliness and anxiety. To combat this, people are turning to telemedicine for counseling consultations and to keep in touch with loved ones, as well as activities such as exercise to improve moods.

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  • Wie Schwangere während Corona im Netz Hilfe finden

    Online-Sprechstunden, Facebookgruppen, Instagram-Tagebücher unterstützen unsichere schwangere Frauen in Zeiten, in denen der persönliche Ausstausch fehlt. Die Zahl der Follower: steigend.

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  • How Carnicerias, Liquor Stores, Tienditas And Latino Supermarkets Are Feeding Their Neighborhoods

    Local staples in Latino neighborhoods like carnicerias, liquor stores, tienditas, and gas stations are standing strong on the front line to continue to provide essentials people need during the coronavirus. As other supermarkets are ransacked, these businesses make sure to remain well-stocked with policies that limit the number of items and customers. Locals testify to the importance of having a corner store that anchors the community together during this crisis.

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  • As more Mass. first responders test positive for COVID-19, police and fire departments lean on each other to maintain services

    As communities work to contain the coronavirus outbreak, the risk for emergency responders to contract the illness is high; but in Massachusetts, departments are putting new practices and plans into place to address this. From changing the way police respond to calls, to creating a backfill system if or when officers are quarantined, the departments are working to keep both their responders and their communities healthy.

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  • How robots helped protect doctors from coronavirus

    To keep the doctor-patient contact at a minimum during the coronavirus pandemic, hospitals in China and Thailand are using human-like robots to perform basic medical tasks. The use of robots doesn't just help to keep doctors safer, it also helps to relieve them of their overburdened workload.

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  • Volunteers rally to produce homemade face masks for coronavirus medical workers

    Businesses and individuals around the world are pivoting from business-as-usual to churning out masks to fill shortages in supplies for hospital staff and others amid COVID-19.

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  • Mutual aid is making a comeback during COVID-19 outbreak

    Mutual aid at the grassroots level is about helping a neighbor in need, and this strategy has been spurred into action across the country in response to COVID-19. In Detroit, people rally across social media and technology to connect those in need with those looking to help. For those without social media, mutual aid forms are available online for residents to apply for help from community members in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, and more. They provide services such as picking up groceries and medicine, childcare, or monetary donations.

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  • 위기 속 한국-베트남 우정, 서로 ‘윈윈'… 교민들은 협조ㆍ베트남은 배려

    한때 베트남에서는 코로나19 관련 조치들로 교민사회와 베트남 현지인들 간에 갈등 양상이 빚어졌습니다. 이를 해소하고자 하노이, 호찌민 등 교민사회를 중심으로 '선플' 운동, 현지 구호활동 등이 벌어졌고 베트남 정부 역시 한국인을 대상으로 별도숙소를 마련하고 특별 노동허가 발급을 추진하는 등 '윈윈'을 달성하기 위한 노력들이 결실을 맺었습니다.

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