Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 'We Can't Anoint The Sick': Faith Leaders Seek New Approaches To Pastoral Care

    Many churches throughout the U.S. have moved their weekly services online during the coronavirus pandemic, but not all needs can be addressed this way. To help offer services like counseling and individual prayer, some pastors and ministers are offering drive-through services for prayer requests or blessings while others are making hospital visits under the guidance of social distancing rules.

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  • For artists, the show must go on—and Zoom is their venue

    Hosting business meetings over Zoom is nothing new during the coronavirus pandemic, but performing artists are also using the platform and adapting their work to the videoconferencing software. After initial performances were a success, an LA theater company called Theater Unleashed began experimenting with the platform and created a Facebook group for U.S. playwrights and actors who wish to participate. An Atlanta organization called Center for Puppetry Arts started hosting Zoom puppet shows. It isn't a seamless transition, but it is inviting creative adaption from creatives all across the country.

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  • Door County Emergency Support Coalition connecting those in need with those who can

    The Door County Emergency Support Coalition has emerged from the joining of multiple local entities to provide one source of COVID-19 support for residents. Services include shopping and delivering groceries, securing absentee ballots, and a drive-through voting system. The Coalition now has 300 volunteers and are looking to expand further to meet the needs of their neighbors.

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  • Philly area mental health professionals offer free therapy for health care workers

    As counseling and therapy sessions increasingly move online in order to comply with national stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus pandemic, a group of mental healthcare professionals in Philadelphia are offering free mini-sessions to medical professionals who are on the frontlines. A number of provisions and protocols have been removed in order to make the transition to telehealth easier, which has helped allow for sessions to be booked and structured more efficiently for both the patient and the doctor.

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  • Obyčejná rouška

    Českou republiku v začátcích pandemie koronaviru sužoval nedostatek zdravotnického materiálu. Chyběly také roušky, které pomáhají omezit přenos nákazy. Švadlena Michaela Moudrá z jihomoravských Hodějic na krizovou situaci zareagovala po svém: začala šít vlasní roušky. Když se k ní začali přidávat další Češi, založila na sociální síti Facebook veřejnou skupinu Česko šije roušky. Ta získala velmi rychle desítky tisíc členů, kteří se nápadem paní Moudré nechali inspirovat.

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  • Churches seek unique solutions to ban on public gatherings

    Churches are offering online sermons to keep people connected while avoiding large public gatherings during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some are using technology they already had in place to stream online services, while others are setting up new infrastructure to adapt to the changes. Some churches saw a 900% increase in already available streaming worships and others have groups of 50 logging in to new streaming services. While not the same as meeting in person, virtual coffee hours and other programming also help foster connectedness and replace services, like support groups, that many people rely on.

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  • Coronavirus in Canada: The 'caremongers' getting essentials to the vulnerable

    To help get supplies to the vulnerable during the coronavirus pandemic, mutual aid programs have begun developing across Canada. Across the nation, Facebook groups help connect people with resources, with the underlying goal of protecting "the precarious livelihoods of groups who were marginalized long before coronavirus came along."

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  • NYC volunteers extend 'invisible hands' to most vulnerable during coronavirus crisis

    To help at-risk neighbors access necessities during the Covid-19 pandemic, volunteers in New York City have formed a delivery service called Invisible Hands. While the main goal is to help neighbors get the food and medications they need, the volunteers also engage in conversation with the recipients to promote companionship while still socially distancing.

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  • This Grassroots Group Handed Out 600 Meals To Neighbors In Anacostia On Friday

    As the coronavirus pandemic sends people to grocery stores to obtain supplies, a grassroots effort is underway in one neighborhood in Anacostia, Washington to help get food to those who have difficulty accessing stories. Working with local businesses that are shut down due to the outbreak, volunteers are collecting donated food from these various restaurants and cafes and then distributing it to community members.

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  • Distilleries Turning Raw Ingredients Into the Most Needed Supplies

    Because they have the appropriate ingredients and facilities, Deep Ellum Distillery is making hand santizer and offering it for free to anyone who needs it. They are also endorsing people to order food to-go in order to support other local restaurants during the pandemic. Distilleries across the country are doing the same thing to help out their neighbors.

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