Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Want to do something good during your coronavirus quarantine? Do mutual aid

    Those over the age of 65 have been instructed to stay at home as much as possible during the coronavirus pandemic, so younger adults are coming together across the nation to help deliver this population essentials. Between Facebook, Nextdoor, and basic spreadsheets, communities are finding ways to provide mutual aid by connecting lower-risk neighbors with their more at-risk neighbors.

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  • Distilleries using high-proof alcohol to make hand sanitizer

    Several distilleries across the U.S. are shifting gears from producing beer to instead producing hand sanitizer to play a part in addressing the coronavirus pandemic. Combatting the shortage of the product, while also promoting better hygiene, distilleries are experimenting with recipes based on federal and World Health Organization guidelines and giving the product to patrons as well as donating to charities.

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  • Community aid groups set up across UK amid coronavirus crisis

    In the UK, mutual aid groups are popping up to deliver food and medical supplies to those who can't leave their homes as a result of the rapidly spreading COVID-19. Organizers are keeping the efforts local to limit the possibility of transmission through these activities.

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  • Why tough times can mean better neighbors

    Across the world, communities are beginning to use a variety of different methodologies to better connect with their neighbors during the coronavirus pandemic. From social media to public Google documents, neighborhoods are working together to combat loneliness during social distancing and help make sure the most vulnerable have the necessities.

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  • Stories of caremongering during the COVID-19 pandemic

    All across Canada, people are organizing and volunteering en masse to help their neighbors in need. Groups of people and single volunteers alive have been delivering groceries, donating food and money, and running other errands for vulnerable populations.

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  • The Surprising Way Durham Distillery is Helping Fight Coronavirus

    As restaurants look at a myriad of ways to enhance the cleanliness of their businesses in light of the coronavirus pandemic, a distillery in North Carolina chose to shift their focus from gin-making to making and distributing hand sanitizer. The owners of the distillery are also training neighboring businesses "how to use the solution responsibly," and then donating bottles of the sanitizer after they complete the session.

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  • [‘코로나19' 확산 비상]시민들 온라인 해시태그 운동…#그럼에도 불구하고

    시민들로 하여금 코로나19의 불안과 혐오에서 벗어나도록 돕는 각종 해시태그 운동이 온라인에서 진행되고 있습니다. 이 같은 메시지들은 위기 상황 속 사회 구성원들 간의 공감과 연대를 다지는 계기로 작용하고 있습니다.

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  • NC community centers prepare for COVID-19

    Amidst the coronavirus outbreak, North Carolina's health centers are relying on old methods to reach and educate uninsured and medically vulnerable patients, many of whom don't have access to the internet. Staff are posting fliers in commonly-trafficked locations, hanging signs at health centers, taking out television ads, and asking community leaders to relay hygiene guidelines by word of mouth.

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  • How one New York school switched to online learning during coronavirus closure

    When coronavirus began spreading in New York, SAR High School in the Bronx took rapid measures to begin education around distance learning, before the virus spread to the county. Although the transition hasn't been without obstacles, the prioritization of providing teachers a series of how-to guides, has allowed teachers to maintain orderliness to their classes and also offer other services via video conference such as sitting Shiva.

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  • 자영업자 찾는 무료 방역…가맹점 본사는 '상생의 손길'

    서울의 한 방역업체는 골목의 식당들을 찾아다니며 무료로 코로나19 예방 소독을, 한 프랜차이즈 본사는 최대 1,600만원의 월세 지원금을 제공하는 등, 힘을 모아 위기를 극복하기 위한 운동들이 눈에 띕니다.

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