Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Drag Queens and Restaurateurs: An Unlikely Partnership Amid the Pandemic

    In New York, restaurateurs who have struggled to stay open amid the coronavirus pandemic are partnering with drag performers who have lost work due to the pandemic to offer patrons a new dining experience while also trying to increase business. The dining performances are offered outdoors and some restaurant owners are hoping to continue the partnership even after COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.

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  • How Detroit chefs reinvented their food businesses to survive the pandemic

    When the coronavirus pandemic caused restaurants to close their doors due to safety and health concerns, some Detroit restaurant owners pivoted their businesses into food delivery services and community grocery store operations. Although not all solutions have been profitable, some businesses are finding that they could be sustainable even after the pandemic.

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  • Heroes of the pandemic: “When the world is burning, I feel I must help put out the fire”

    A group of health professionals known as Latinx Advocacy Team & Interdisciplinary Network for COVID-19, or LATIN-19, is helping to bring coronavirus-specific health care access to North Carolina's Latino community. Because the group operates across county lines, they have become well-known amongst the local communities, helping to not only provide much-needed health care services, but also increase awareness around the dangers of the virus.

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  • A parent-led effort to close the digital divide

    When Clark County School District moved to an all-remote plan for school, it distributed 10,000 devices, close to 20,000 students had no way to connect their online classes. A parent, with the help of a SCSD teacher and a board of education member, created a Facebook group to help spanish-speaking families express if they needed a device for their kids and help fill those needs. The group gained traction and attention and has since received 550 device requests, fulfilling 162. The group relies on monetary and computer donations from individuals and businesses.

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  • ‘Vigilantes' on a mission to reunite owners with their stolen bikes Audio icon

    Facebook groups are reuniting bicycle-theft victims with their property by creating a place to report thefts and alerting others to be on the lookout for the bikes. A pandemic-inspired boom in bicycling, as a means to avoid public transportation, has fed a concurrent boom in bike thefts. Police praise the Facebook groups' public spirit and effectiveness, but warn of risks when confronting those trying to sell stolen bikes. More than 90% of bike theft reports to police hit a dead end, lowering faith in the police as a solution.

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  • Com uso de aplicativo e posto de saúde, aldeia indígena no Xingu registra zero mortes por covid-19

    Indígenas da aldeia Ipatse adaptaram um aplicativo para rastrear casos suspeitos de Covid-19, inauguraram a própria unidade de saúde com cilindros de oxigênio e contrataram médico e enfermeira com dinheiro de doações. Até setembro de 2020, quando a reportagem foi publicada, não havia nenhum óbito causado pela Covid-19.

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  • How One Pacific Islander Community Is Responding To The Pandemic

    Pacific Islander communities in Hawaii have formed their own Covid-19 task forces to stop the virus’ spread, rather than wait for the government to respond. Despite a lack of resources, the task forces conduct community outreach providing protective gear and food and have partnered with community groups, recognizing the role of active community engagement and participation to achieve success. The task forces use a model that recognizes the significance of cultural nuances and language challenges, which has added to its success in keeping the infection rate among Pacific Islander communities relatively low.

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  • Gaining traction: With an eviction crisis still on the horizon, sanctioned overnight parking lots provide temporary relief

    The nonprofit Homeless Outreach Providing Encouragement (HOPE) began SafeLot, a program providing an approved parking lot where people living in vehicles can spend the night safely. Safelots have sprung up nationwide, particularly during high unemployment thanks to the pandemic. In Boulder, they've created tension with the regional agency charged with reducing homelessness. Its Housing First approach, emphasizing more permanent housing solutions, strikes some as contradicting safelots' shorter-term fix. Safelot advocates say it offers stability that acts as a bridge to a more settled lifestyle.

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  • Por que o Uruguai tem tão poucos casos de covid-19

    A reportagem é sobre como o Uruguai conseguiu ter o melhor resultado de enfrentamento contra a pandemia de Covid-19 na América Latina. Mostra que a estabilidade política, valorização da ciência e rastreamento de casos foram algumas das ações efetivas.

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  • ONG brinda apoyo psicológico a adultos que enfrentan estrés y ansiedad por desempleo en Guanacaste

    Una organización que daba atención psicológica a niños y adolescentes de su comunidad decide redirigir el recurso hacia la atención de las personas adultas que sufren de ansiedad, estrés y disturbios del sueño, causadas por los efectos de la pandemia por COVID-19, en especial el desempleo.

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