Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Schools That Separate the Child From the Trauma

    Children are often punished for acting out without consideration of the root cause of their behavior such as a toxic home environment. A trauma center in Washington state is teaching educators to focus on making kids feel safe which more effectively curbs bad behavior.

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  • Protecting Children From Toxic Stress

    Child First is a program in Connecticut, where staff members deliver home-based parent guidance and child-parent psychotherapy to help prevent the detrimental physical and mental effects of toxic stress on children. The engagement is guided by an evidence-based methodology called Child-Parent Psychotherapy, which is grounded in collaborative problem solving.

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  • Improving School Lunch by Design

    The San Francisco Unified School District is piloting a collaboration with the design firm IDEO to re-imagine the school food system and help combat childhood obesity by better designing the space and the experience of how children eat, as much as the type of food they consume.

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  • You've Tracked Down Hundreds Of Accessible Playgrounds. Help Us Find More!

    Playgrounds that are accessible for children with special needs can be difficult to find. NPR launched a national crowd-sourced guide called Playgrounds for Everyone, which invited individuals to add playgrounds that are accessible. After the launch, nearly 400 playgrounds have been added to the already 1200 playgrounds on the map that will help families find public places for their children to play.

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  • Home visiting programs are preschool in its earliest form

    Through programs across the country, nurses, social workers, or trained mentors offer support to new or expectant parents, imparting skills to help them become better teachers for their children. Through regular home visits with the families, these programs are working to close an achievement gap between rich and poor children that starts as early as just nine months into a child's life.

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  • The Benefits of Positive Parenting

    Improving the way people parent might seem an impossible challenge, given the competing views about what constitutes good parenting - can we influence a behavior that is rooted in upbringing and culture, affected by stress, and occurs mainly in private? Triple P – Positive Parenting Program works to educate parents on how to improve their parenting skills.

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  • New York City's Teen Pregnancy Rate Plummeted After High Schools Expanded Access To Plan B

    From 2001 to 2011, New York City's teen pregnancy rate decreased by 27 percent as a result of increased access to contraceptives. Public schools started providing Plan B and condoms to students.

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  • N.Y.C. Nurses Aid Low-Income First-Time Mothers

    New mothers who live in poverty are faced with fewer resources to help them with their physical and mental health as well as the health of their babies. In New York City, the Nurse-Family partnership matches nurses with economically poor first-time mothers. Different studies have shown that women in the program have healthier pregnancies and children.

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  • Easier Than Taking Vitamins

    A nutrient powder can save anemic children, but the people who could benefit are distrustful. Having local mothers distribute the supplement was successful in Bangladesh.

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  • The Power of Nursing

    In 2010, 5.9 million children were reported as abused or neglected in the United States. The Nurse-Family Partnership, or NFP, arranges for registered nurses to make regular home visits to first-time low-income or vulnerable mothers, starting early in their pregnancies and continuing until their child is 2.

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