Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In a small Washington town with no youth shelters, one woman keeps kids off the streets

    The Mason County Housing Options for Students in Transition (HOST) program is filling the county's gap of youth shelters, helping almost 200 homeless youth graduate from high school through personal relationships and screened host families. The program has show particular success in helping homeless youth from marginalized identities, including youth of color and LGBTQ+ identifying youth.

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  • A school figures out how to educate foster youth

    A South Bronx charter school is trying an innovative approach to educating all students, including the one third of its student body in foster care. By adding teachers, behavioral specialists, and extra academic support and relying on a trauma-informed and repetitive structure, Mott Haven Charter School has gradually seen improvement, with its foster youth outperforming other children in the welfare system.

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  • How a trip to Copenhagen inspired Tel Aviv's child-friendly reforms

    Sometimes you have to see something is possible before you can do it yourself. For Tel Aviv’s city officers, it took a trip to Copenhagen to understand that each of them, no matter their office, could do something to make their city better for young children.

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  • When a man kills his wife in India, what happens to the children?

    Global Network for Equality grew out of sociological research of men imprisoned for killing their wives. Researcher KR Raja saw how many children had been effectively orphaned by such killings, and how the men's rehabilitation in prison depended in part on knowing their families were provided for. GNE helps hundreds of children up to age 18 with living expenses, emotional support, and college applications and costs. While the effects on prisoners aren't shown, the program clearly improves the lives of the affected children.

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  • The Lasting Pain of Children Sent to Orphanages, Rather Than Families

    Casa Viva is an organization in Latin America that prioritizes family reunification over adoption. They have placed about 640 children with foster families, “60 percent of those went back to their biological family or another relative. About 35 percent were adopted.” In contrast to foster homes, orphanages have become thriving business which recruit western volunteers and charge them large fees. Casa Viva opposes this model because most kids have parents who are alive, but can’t afford to raise them.

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  • Fixing the Problems We Can Fix

    A Philadelphia non-profit is targeting young people who struggle when leaving the foster care system and providing them with comprehensive services to help them transition into independent living successfully; that includes helping them find jobs, homes, and more. The program is based off a model from Youth Villages, a national nonprofit, and is showing impressive results - for example, "90 percent of the youth who joined the program were in need of stable housing; now, 35 percent have their own homes, and the rest live with family, former foster families or in supervised independent living."

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  • Sauti toll free telephone line helping Ugandan children avert violence

    Uganda has sub-Saharan Africa’s only government-run child helpline--a free way for children to report physical, emotional, and sexual violence perpetrated against them. Police are supposed to work with probation officers to investigate the situation and connect children with medical and legal help. However, resource shortages remain, and some health workers refer victims to private clinics to make more money.

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  • One State Is Disrupting the Pipeline from Foster Care to Jail

    In 2017, California's Continuum of Care (CCR) program began shifting money away from group homes for children in foster care, closing 300 homes in the first year. The money goes instead to recruiting more families to house children, who are newly eligible for extended care to age 25. The goal is to shrink a system that too often dooms children to homelessness on the streets and incarceration. While some clients have found the family love that a group home can't replicate, many lower-income families have struggled to meet the program's requirements, threatening its ultimate success.

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  • Program helps Colorado teens coming out of foster care system

    In Grand Junction, Colorado, Foster Alumni Mentors is working to connect young adults in or leaving the foster care system with others who have gone through the same person, giving them a mentor to help them with applying and paying for college, finding jobs, and more. The program create 19 mentorship relationships during its first year of existence and the personal connections manifest in more ways than one.

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  • Simple but effective: The community mobilisers driving immunization in Borno State

    In Nigeria, a lack of immunizations has contributed to increased rates of childhood mortality. However, Volunteer Community Mobilizers are actively changing this trajectory by conducting in-home visits and providing resources that aid in mobilizing families to have their children vaccinated at local clinics.

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