Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Frequent moves for Georgia foster youth prompt changes

    In Georgia, child-welfare officials considering moving a child in foster care from one caregiver to another must delay the move for 14 days. During that pause, a group of involved officials and foster parents hold a video call to explore alternatives to moving the child. Such moves can inflict trauma without solving the underlying problems. Now, moves can't be made hastily on the say-so of just a caregiver and case worker. Data on the effects of the policy are still being collected, but participants generally give it good marks and the state's "placement stability" numbers have improved.

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  • A pilot program in Iowa produces encouraging results for foster kids

    By putting a priority on rescuing children from danger in their homes by reducing the danger or placing the children in relatives' care, Iowa courts have greatly reduced the traumatizing use of emergency foster care placements with strangers. The program, which began with seven judges and has since spread statewide, starts with a simple list of questions that judges or social workers ask to identify specific solutions to problems other than the default mechanism of sending children to live in foster care, which can make their emotional problems worse.

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  • Iowa foster care system changes prove positive and effective

    Iowa in 2017 imposed new rules for the agencies that run group homes for children in foster care. The rules have greatly reduced the frequency with which children are moved from place to place far from their families, a common practice that can deepen the trauma they suffer. By paying differently for such care, the state reduced the incentive agencies had to keep their facilities full. Instead, they're working more closely with families to heal them and get children back to a healthier home life.

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  • Youth Aging Out of Foster Care Find Support in Montrose

    CASA serves children and families who have experienced abuse and neglect. The nonprofit owns an 8-unit residence for youth 18-24 who have aged out of the foster care system or are at risk for becoming homeless. The home provides a safe and supportive option where youth can transition to adulthood and have access to help navigating systems, like education and employment. The organization has begun to provide mental health care services as well, with two therapists on staff. The rent is subsidized by the government, which makes it a more affordable option, and additional residences are being planned.

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  • As CMSD returns to virtual school, Project ACT ensures the needs of homeless students are met

    Project ACT provides support services to 1,000 Cleveland public school students experiencing homelessness or living with guardians other than their parents. Students are set up with a life skills coach who provides emotional and academic support to cope with traumatic life experiences. To ensure stability during COVID-19, Project ACT distributed hotspots and Chromebooks to all 1,000 children they work with. Life coach sessions transitioned to Zoom, where weekly online tutoring sessions were also hosted. Students could also receive gift cards, enrichment packets, school supplies, and hygiene items if needed.

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  • Making the grade: B.C. tuition waiver program made education possible for hundreds of young people

    The British Columbia government waives tuition at public universities for undergraduate students who grew up in foster care, a measure that takes aim at the disadvantages young people face after aging out of the child welfare system. Former foster children, who in British Columbia are disproportionately of Indigenous heritage, average lower high school graduation rates and have above-average problems with income, housing, and work after childhoods that often feature multiple moves. About 1,700 young people have received tuition-free educations since 2017.

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  • A tall order

    The Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Program and Nutrition Rehabilitation Home in Kathmandu provide resources to children experiencing, or at risk for, malnutrition, which has long been a life-threatening issue in Nepal.

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  • Lummi Nation Creates a Community to Support Families

    The Lummi Tribal council created Sche'lang'en Village to provide a supportive community for Native families that have been torn apart by the foster system, drugs, or domestic violence. The more than 30 families accepted to the low-cost housing project receive a host of services to help them recover and build better futures. A disproportionate number of Native children are taken from their families into foster care, which damages not only families but the Native culture.

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  • Why are Black children removed from homes at high rate? L.A. County plans 'blind removal' pilot

    Based on its success in New York, ‘blind removal’ will be implemented in Los Angeles County’s child welfare system. The pilot project eliminates the child’s race from information available to social workers to prevent biases from affecting the decision-making process of removing a child from their home. The pilot was successful in decreasing the number of Black children in foster care.

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  • How Indigenous-led organizations are rebuilding connection to language and culture

    The Nisaika Kum’tuks and Tsawalk learning centers provide alternative schooling options for Indigenous students to learn more about their culture and languages. The centers teach a total of 100 students from 23 different nations, many of whom come from single-family homes that are experiencing economic hardship or have been part of the foster care system. While the schools have recently shut down to be consolidated with the local school system, efforts are underway to create a new learning center that continues the mission of combining traditional knowledge and culture with academia.

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