Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Florida took thousands of kids from families, then failed to keep them safe.

    Alarmed that child-welfare officials failed too often to prevent abuse within families, Florida responded six years ago with a crackdown that reversed official policy favoring preserving families if possible. But removing far more children from their homes backfired with an overwhelmed foster-care system unable to detect more child abuse in foster homes. Children were sent to homes with foster parents who were known to pose child-abuse risks. The state failed to hire enough caseworkers and failed to address the family problems that led to the abuse in the first place.

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  • Watery Bangladesh Works to Prevent Child Drowning Deaths

    After experiencing a high rate of drownings among children due to the number of rivers and ponds in the country, a non-profit organization in Bangladesh has been offering swim lessons to children in rural areas that are more susceptible to encountering dangerous waters. Since the program started, the rate has decreased nearly 50 percent while the confidence of the participants has increased.

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  • Trauma-informed practices necessary for police, experts say

    The Adverse Childhood Experience Response Team sends family and crisis services advocates with police officers on home visits to offer families trauma-informed services after police have responded to an earlier emergency at the home. More than 1,200 children have been referred to services, an offer of help most families accept. Although the pandemic shutdown interrupted house calls, the model has spread to other New Hampshire communities. The ultimate effectiveness of the intervention may not be known for years, and only if researchers can follow up to learn if it may have prevented future incidents.

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  • With Families Staying Home, Boston Hospital Takes Pediatric Care on the Road

    In Boston, doctors are making visits to neighborhoods during the coronavirus pandemic in order to provide routine vaccinations to children. Using a donated ambulance as a "mobile pediatrician's office," a nursing team has provided vaccinations as well as food and supplies to approximately 450 families.

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  • ACERT: Getting help for traumatized kids

    To connect children with the counseling and other services they need to heal from traumatic experiences, the Adverse Childhood Experience Response team trains police and others to spot problems early and make prompt referrals. Laconia's ACERT program has started small, with 14 interventions in its first nine months, but it's patterned on Manchester's program, which in less than four years has helped 1,200 children and families. By refining its approaches to families, the program convinces most to permit interventions. Early help for trauma can spare children long-term, serious health and emotional problems.

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  • The Doctor Healing Wounds of War in Basilan

    By fostering dialog between the military and rebel soldiers in a region long afflicted with violence, a physician whose clinic exposed her to children’s severe PTSD has helped heal the effects of trauma and the scars of war. Save the Children of War in Basilan has gone beyond its focus on child health and welfare to broker reconciliation talks between rebel groups and the military, in large part by getting both sides to see their opponents’ motives through a new lens. Kidnappings, once rampant, have been nonexistent since 2016.

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  • Symbiotic Relationships

    Symbios, a group home in Brno, Czech Republic, aims to equip young adults who grew up in children's homes with life skills by pairing them with college-aged adults, who come from traditional home environments. Within the affordable flat, participants are paired by gender, given their own private room, and those who came from children's homes to learn basic skills like cooking, finding furniture for their unfurnished quarters, and being responsible for their own bills. The experience also allows residents to learn more about people who grew up differently, sharing similarities and differences along the way.

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  • Když děti z dětského domova bydlí se studenty

    Když mladí lidé bez rodinného zázemí dosáhnou dospělosti a mají opustit dětský domov, chybí jim běžné dovednosti a zkušenosti potřebné k životu. Právě s tím se snaží pracovat brněnský sociální dům Symbios. Nabízí mladým lidem opouštějícím dětské domovy cenově dostupné bydlení a propojení s dospělými vysokoškoláky, pocházejícími z tradičního domácího prostředí. S nimi mladí dospělí z dětský domovů sdílí dvoupokojový byt, kde mají vlastní pokoj. Společné soužití a sdílení vzájemných rozdílů a podobností je obohacující pro všechny zúčastněné.

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  • Detroit Gallery Packages Meals with Artist-Designed Coloring Book for Kids

    To help fill the gap for some 200 Detroit students who rely on school lunches, local artists and nonprofits are teaming up to distribute meals and provide creative inspiration. Library Street Collective, an art gallery in downtown Detroit, provides the students with sketchbooks developed by artists. Meanwhile, Standby, an acclaimed restaurant, prepares the meals. Partners from other Detroit organizations step in to help with additional logistics.

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  • Vaccinations give migrants hope and health as they wait to enter the U.S.

    Immigrant children waiting to gain access to the U.S. from Mexico often require vaccinations when they get to the border, but the immigration process doesn't allow for it. To address this gap in health care, an organization in Phoenix collaborates with the Mexican Red Cross and a local shelter to offer one-day vaccination clinics for those in need.

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