Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Making Reusable Pads Is Helping Women In Bidibidi

    Menstrual hygiene can be a challenge especially in Bidibidi, one of the largest refugee settlements in the world. However, with the help of Catholic Relief Service (CARITAS), women are now being trained in how to make reusable sanitary napkins. Many women have received a sewing machine and can now sell their handmade pads to neighbors, thus providing both an income and a hygienic (and eco-friendly) solution.

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  • Program Could Offer Possible Solution to Trash on Skid Row

    In Southern California, trash often litters the streets in many of the areas where homelessness is abundant, but one homeless man in Van Nuys decided to change that. Launching an initiative known as Clean Streets Clean Starts, Don Larson enlists his fellow homeless community members in keeping the streets clean, and in turn, many local businesses donate gift cards to the cause.

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  • Kids In America Are Missing School Because They Can't Afford Toothpaste And Tampons

    A lack of access to basic personal hygiene necessities will hinder anyone's everyday life, but it especially impacts children that have to attend school where they are often bullied because of it. To provide these children with a better educational environment, teachers are implementing "hygiene closets" that are stocked with items such as soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and tampons.

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  • Tiny Branson has plenty of water. But like other small rural delivery systems in Colorado, it must find a way to meet new state standards.

    Innovation is the key to resilience. In Branson, Colorado, the community of only 55 residents and with volunteer town council has taken on the massive task of bringing its water system up to compliance with the Colorado Department of Health. Because the state and federal government did not have the specific resources to assist Branson, the community turned to a locally developed, innovative water filtration system and an unorthodox funding campaign to pay for it.

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  • The Town That Extended ‘Smart Growth' to Its Water

    Haunted by a 1962 drought in the town of Westminster, Colorado, the city's planners now incorporate water data in their planning processes to ensure that they never face the same sourcing issues again. By breaking down the silos between its water management and planning departments, the town has figured out how to manage its finite water resources, even in the face of a ballooning population. Now, other towns are following suit.

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  • This truck is making sure the homeless have clean clothes

    Backed by $160,000 in philanthropic donations, two laundry trucks frequent 7-8 locations in Denver, Colorado to offer laundry services for people experiencing homelessness or extreme poverty. Clean clothes are vital to an individual's confidence and dignity, and can enable people to keep appointments, go to job interviews, or to just fight the stigma of homelessness. These trucks are part of a larger movement across the US to offer these mobile laundry services to those who need it most.

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  • Is there a beautiful, briny solution to the world's clean water crisis?

    As demand soars and climate change routinely throws cities into shortage crises, the availability of clean water is one of the most pressing challenges of the present and near future. Desalination has long been lambasted for being too expensive and polluting, but a new solar-powered prototype is putting forth a more sustainable, small-scale solution. Solar collectors boil water and then condense it separately from the brine and dirt so that it is drinkable.

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  • Tech accelerators help nonprofits fast-track technology aimed at solving environmental challenges

    A solar panel that turns water in the air into clean drinking water is just one of many environmental solutions coming out of new partnerships between technology accelerator programs and environmental non-profit organizations. Groups like Conservation International and World Wildlife Fund are working alongside programs like Elemental Excelerator - all aimed at scaling environmental solutions. The goal isn’t to avoid policy change or other work, but rather to make creative innovation more widely accessible in the meantime.

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  • How a laundry room revolutionized a New Jersey high school

    After high school principle Akbar Cook realized that students weren't coming to school because they were embarrassed about wearing dirty clothing, he created a school laundry room with 5 commercial-grade washers and dryers. He also started a program called Lights On that leaves the school open in the evenings on Friday's to offer a recreational space with warm meals for students who have working parents or have to take care of siblings. Grateful students say that Mr. Cook had a big impact on the school and the neighborhood.

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  • School laundry help aims to improve student attendance

    Laundry machines are an increasingly common sight on the campuses of Denver elementary schools. "A lot of times our teaching goes beyond the academic piece,” one principal said. “Teaching kids how to do laundry is a life skill.” The easily accessible facilities are improving student confidence and attendance.

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