Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • I-Drop Water makes a splash providing purified water to South Africans

    Across the world, 1.8 billion people have to make a daily decision between either drinking unsafe water or paying exorbitant prices for bottled water. I-Drop Water, a company that has devised purification systems that can be installed at affordable rates in local grocery stores, is working to solve this problem by bringing accessible purified water to people throughout Africa.

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  • Access to clean water improves health in rural Tanzania

    In rural villages like Ndomoni, access to water is paramount to community development, and locals are the first to recognize that other issues such as maternal health cannot be addressed until there is clean drinking water. The installation of a central borehole well is not only providing the village access to water, is has freed up the many hours a day women and girls spent fetching water from other distant sources, allowing them to stay in school, attend to the health of the family, and pursue other business.

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  • If You See Dirty Water, Don't Just Gripe. Talk To The Cloud!

    Scientists and activists in India are training citizens to collect information on water issues like contamination — and upload it so it can be used to push for change.

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  • Printing A Solution to the World's Biggest Problems

    A research fellow at Deakin University’s School of Engineering in Australia has developed a world-first technology 3D printer prototype capable of printing plumbing and sanitation supplies using discarded plastics - and what's more, it runs on solar power. They are partnering with NGO Plan International to implement this technology in the Solomon Islands, where locals will learn to print the parts they need, thereby solving the dual problems of plastic rubbish and a lack of access to vital mechanical parts for clean water supply. The model gives these communities tools to solve their own problems.

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  • How 700 Kerala villagers waded through a dead river, cleansed it and brought it back to life in 70 days

    The Kuttemperoor river in Alappuzha district of Kerala, India was once treated as a source for water and food stability. After years of illegal sand mining and construction sites dumping sewage, the river was unrecognizable to those that had once known its clean shores. As water scarcity became a reality for the small village of Budhanoor, and government action seemed unlikely, a group of 700 villagers - mostly women - banded together and spent 70 days physically de-silting and revitalizing the 12-kilometer long river.

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  • Toilets in Haiti and Circular Runways

    Haiti is currently battling the biggest cholera epidemic in recent history caused by lack of access to clean drinking water. Soil is an NGO which delivers dry, compost toilets to peoples’ homes - alternatives to water guzzling flushing toilets, which need infrastructure such as sewers - to help keep sewage from contaminating water sources and provide dignified, safe toilet facilities.

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  • Volunteers With No Medical Training Are Fighting Diseases The World Ignores

    In Nampula, Mozambique, people living in remote, rural communities do not seek medical attention when they get sick because of myths that diseases are caused by spirits. So a non-profit, Malaria Consortium, is training ordinary people, to teach others about the cause and treatments of common illnesses thus motivating the villagers to seek care at health facilities.

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  • In rural India, MIT grads aim to improve access to sanitary pads for women

    For women in rural parts of India, it is common to not be taught about the role menstruation plays due to the stigma that surrounds the topic. To bring both a better understanding and better hygienic practices to these areas, a startup has started using "locally-sourced banana fiber to create biodegradable sanitary napkins, which degrade faster if buried and don’t have to be burned" with the goal of increasing access.

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  • Can the Humble Menstrual Cup Free Women from the Tyranny of Big Tampon?

    While the menstrual cup is one of the most efficient, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly ways women can cope with their periods, it is rarely used due to the stigma surrounding the cup. Leaders at Sustainable Cycles, a nonprofit, are working to de-stigmatize the menstrual cup and promote both personal and global health.

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  • The Sun Water Solution

    Professor Kevin McGuigan in Dublin has proven that simply leaving contaminated water in a plastic bottle out in the sun for several hours is effective in killing off harmful bacteria like e-coli and provide a simple solution for clean water. But his efforts to bring this simple method of solar disinfection to rural communities in Africa - where disease and death from waterborne bacteria is especially prevalent - have hit a number of sociological and cultural roadblocks.

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