Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • MIT Group Used Solar Energy To Make Salty Water Drinkable In Off-Grid Areas

    MIT engineers created a cost-efficient solution to the lack of potable water in rural India. They built a solar-powered desalination model, which won the Desal Prize at the "Securing Water for Food" challenge.

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  • Can saltwater quench our growing thirst?

    Population growth, climate change, and droughts are factors that have depleted the world’s freshwater resources. Scientists around the world have experimented with desalination of salt water to increase the supply the drinking water and have achieved positive results. In 2015, more countries and cities in the world look to provide desalination, including California’s $1 billion effort to build a plant for San Diego.

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  • Indian authorities are out in force to enforce use of toilets

    The Indian government is attempting to stop the way in which people openly defecate in public by providing households with toilets. The real key is education about hygiene so the people understand why proper toilets are necessary to clean drinking water and public health.

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  • Denmark's vision for solving the world's water woes

    Though once the rivers were afoul with pollution and the carcasses of poisoned fish and the water from taps was too hazardous to drink, Denmark now boasts some of the world's cleanest drinking water and some of it's most comprehensive programs for good water management. The Danish government is looking to help other nations replicate their success, leveraging technology and collaboration to better manage water treatment and conservation for all.

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  • For V.A. Hospitals (and Patients), a Major Health Victory

    Although patients go to hospitals to receive medical care, many Americans will acquire infections that did not already have them. The United States as a whole has made modest progress at reducing the rates of hospital-acquired infections. Spearheading the efforts, the Veterans Affairs Medical Centers have devised anti-MRSA strategies to keep patients safe.

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  • It ain't easy being green in the world's most polluted city

    Fed up with living in the world's most polluted city, some residents are fighting back, on their rooftops and backyards. In 2010, India launched the Jawarharlal Nehru Solar Mission, a government program to deploy 20,000 megawatts of grid-connected solar power in the country, but much of this push for renewable energy has only been focused on rural areas, leading urban residents to take up local control of their energy supplies.

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  • Los Angeles, City of Water

    LOS ANGELES is the nation’s water archvillain, according to public perception, notorious for its usurpation of water hundreds of miles away to slake the thirst of its ever-expanding population. Recently, however, Los Angeles has reduced its reliance on outside sources of water - it has become, of all things, a leader in sustainable water management, a pioneer in big-city use of cost-effective, environmentally beneficial water conservation, collection and reuse technologies.

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  • Drinking More Vodka: A Green Solution to Melting Icy Roads?

    Salt has become a costly and environmental problem in the twenty first century, with consumers overusing it in cooking and melting city roads during the winter. Salt has risen in price and has infiltrated the waterways, affecting the life in the water and contaminating drinking water. As a greener alternative to salt, Washington State University scientists have learned that the biproducts of vodka can help melt ice and snow.

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  • Tanzania's ambitious water project undercut by dueling economics

    A water program funded by the World Bank has run into some obstacles as it tries to bring clean water to rural villages in Tanzania. The use of private contractors for projects and allowing communities to decide what water system they should build has led to delays in bringing access to water for residents.

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  • How a $1.42 billion project failed to bring water to this Tanzanian village

    Years after a World Bank pilot program built a system to bring clean water to villages in Tanzania, these communities are finding it difficult to fix and operate these projects. While some villages were able to raise funds to maintain these costly water systems, not every community has been able to repair them.

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