Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Liter by Liter, Indians Get Cleaner Water

    Low-cost filtration plants are finding their place in some of the most underserved areas of India. Making a cultural shift from drinking well water to filtered water isn't well-received by all villages in the country, however. Thanks in part to word of mouth as well as a noted difference in health outcomes, there is still hope in fighting the fight to persuade local communities to pay for and drink clean water.

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  • To Maintain Water Pumps, It Takes More Than a Village

    Water pumps often break and no one locally has the skill or parts to fix them. Two columns on Water Aid’s program in India to train women to be handpump mechanics.

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  • Keeping the Water Flowing in Rural Villages

    In Tanzania, mapping of water points showed that nationally, less than half the existing rural water points were working—of water points that were less than two years old, a quarter had already stopped functioning. British charity WaterAid sets up workshops in poor countries like Tanzania and India to train mechanics in order to have a local fix for these problems. The mechanic position offers employment opportunities for women, fixes pumps for an average of 100 rupees (roughly $2.00), and repaired more than 1,100 pumps in the first 14 months.

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  • Biogas Offers Poor Countries a Cleaner, Safer Fuel

    In developing countries, environmentally friendly and practicality don't always go hand-in-hand. Biogas are changing that. With biogas technology, methane is derived from the feces of humans and animals and is used in place of traditional fuel which improves sanitation across these regions and is a benefit for the environment.

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  • Better Hand-Washing Through Technology

    Washing hands in between contact with patients is one of the most important things a healthcare worker can do to prevent the spread of disease and reduce the rise of superbugs like MRSA. A new technology is increasing rates of hand washing by displaying, via a sensor in an employee's badge, whether the healthcare provider has washed their hands recently.

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  • Green Strategies for the Poorest

    The company that manufactures Lifestraw, a water purification device, has found a way to distribute their product to impoverished Kenyan families for free, while still making a profit. In the global carbon credit market, businesses receive carbon credits for projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These credits can then be sold to companies who need to offset their carbon emissions, allowing green companies to make a profit off of their small ecological footprint.

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  • Clean Water at No Cost? Just Add Carbon Credits

    The company that manufactures Lifestraw, a water purification device, has found a way to distribute their product to impoverished Kenyan families for free, while still making a profit. In the global carbon credit market, businesses receive carbon credits for projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These credits can then be sold to companies who need to offset their carbon emissions, allowing green companies to make a profit off of their small ecological footprint.

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  • The Burden of Thirst

    Foro, a village in southwestern Ethiopia, has suffered from drought conditions for years, leaving the little water the communities can access polluted with waste. While various water projects have been attempted only to be abandoned, groups are working to restore some of these projects by combining technologies with community involvement.

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  • Social Entrepreneur Peru: Albina Ruiz and the Ciudad Saludable

    Albina Ruiz, founder of the social enterprise Ciudad Saludable, works with people living in areas dominated by the trash dump to create a more formal system of waste removal for their health and the wider city's cleanliness. Workers who collect and recycle the waste are now employed by the city, own a micro-business, and no longer work under a social stigma. At the same time their efforts to clean up the city are working well, and the model is spreading to other Peruvian cities.

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