Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Colorado farmers can't get their food to the table. One startup wants to lend hands.

    UpRoot, a new Colorado startup, is working to help farmers fill the labor gap and feed the hungry. Farmers across the state face a labor shortage, leaving huge amounts of produce to go to waste – and thus contribute to climate change. UpRoot tries to meet both these issues by operating on two levels: First, providing volunteer labor to harvest leftover crops and donate to food banks; and second, offering paid, on-demand workers – many of whom are veterans – for farmers that find themselves in a labor bind.

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  • Where Glaciers Melt Away, Switzerland Sees Opportunity

    Melting glaciers threaten the Swiss Alps, especially the hydropower it provides. The idea of building a dam as a back-up way to generate power is catching on. The permitting process just began, but construction will need to be fast before further dramatic melting occurs.

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  • The orchid whisperers: Rare blooms find an urban perch

    The Million Orchid Project has been reintroducing native, endangered plants into urban areas. From planting in school yards, to city parks, to the sides of busy roads, the initiative aims to preserve biodiversity by changing the assumption that nature has to be something separate from human society. While the project is still in early phases, it has shown indicators for progress, like the reappearance of wildlife species thought to have been extinct.

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  • How to Cut U.S. Emissions Faster? Do What These Countries Are Doing.

    Across the world, countries are taking heavy swings to reduce their impact on climate change. From British Columbia’s carbon tax, to Norway’s incentivization of electric vehicles, to the European Union’s legislation that ends the use of hydrofluorocarbons, the United States could learn a lot from these initiatives. As American lags behind in this effort, citing these initiatives, or even better yet, applying them all, could have a drastic impact.

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  • Healing and hope: how Indigenous guardians are transforming conservation

    Enrolling indigenous knowledge in environmental conservation programs empowers communities and promotes responsible land management. Conservation programs in Australia and Canada rely on indigenous communities to monitor and maintain remote and protected areas. Investment in these programs not only furthers the goal of environmental conservation, but also pays dividends by bringing jobs to indigenous communities.

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  • In Ethiopia, climate change leads herders to retrain as farmers

    Many herders are adapting to climate change by adopting farming. In the wake of severe droughts in recent years, herding communities in Ethiopia have expressed increasing interest in farming as a way to secure additional income. The non-profit organization, Farm Africa, helps herders to make the transition into farming by educating and assisting them with technical matters, such as irrigation, as well as aiding with financing and finding markets.

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  • How Danone, Kashi and Land O'Lakes are backing sustainable farming

    Because the upfront costs of transitioning a farm to be certified organic can be burdensome to farmers amidst a growing demand for organic food, large companies like Kashi and Land O'Lakes are creating a number of initiatives to help ease the process. Techniques include no-interest advances for expensive initial supplies, fair trade premiums that go to local community work, and soil health initiatives for suppliers. The companies even implement a complex data tracking system to gather information on yield and profitability, which can then be used to inform future sustainable practice transitions.

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  • A Huge Climate Change Movement Led By Teenage Girls Is Sweeping Europe. And It's Coming To The US Next.

    Youth climate strikes are gaining traction internationally, and the young leaders are finding inspiration in each other. The strikes have resulted in increased awareness amongst generations, and have grown in size and location, prompting policy makers to take notice.

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  • These probiotics for plants help farms suck up extra carbon dioxide

    A startup called Locus Agricultural Solutions has created a "probiotic" for soil that uses a mixture of beneficial fungi and bacteria. Not only does it increase productivity of crops, but it also absorbs enough carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere per acre to offset the emissions of a passenger vehicle. Tests done on an orange grove in Florida showed that areas treated with the product took up an extra 4.38 metric tons of CO2 per acre.

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  • You Flushed the Toilet. They Made Some Bricks.

    A civil engineer at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in Australia is converting biosolids, or disinfected leftovers from the water treatment process, into bricks for building. He claims they look, smell, and work the same as conventional fired clay bricks, but with an added benefit of saving land and energy and reducing carbon emissions.

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