Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Athens Repair Café Tackles Climate Change By Repairing Items, Attitudes

    The Athens Repair Café allows locals to bring in their broken items — like bikes and appliances — to be repaired by skilled volunteers in an effort to utilize a reuse model that extends the life of the items, preventing the need for purchasing replacements. The Athens Repair Café is one of 2,664 Repair Cafés worldwide registered under Repair Café International and over the past year, about 100 items have been successfully repaired.

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  • These Farmers Recharged their Groundwater by Catching California's Atmospheric Rivers

    Farmers in California are taking advantage of recent heavy rainfall by intentionally flooding their fields to restore the underground aquifers after years of drought.

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  • Rice Insurance helping Rwandan Farmers Overcome Climate-Induced Losses

    Rwanda’s National Agriculture Insurance Scheme helps farmers access financial protection for their crops to provide income security in the face of climate change events that can ruin harvests.

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  • Amsterdam's 'Smart' Blue-Green Roofs Reduce Urban Flooding

    The city of Amsterdam funded a blue-green roofs program to reduce both flooding and the urban heat island effect. The water collection system stores and releases rainwater, the variety of indigenous plants increase biodiversity, and the connected digital network allows them all to be controlled remotely.

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  • Kenya's community-first climate approach lets locals pick projects

    The Kenyan government provides direct funding to local governments and communities to address climate change adaptation. This ensures locals have a say in the solutions and projects do not inadvertently cause harm.

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  • Amid changing climate, Bangladesh farming groups conserve indigenous rice seeds

    The Bangladesh Resource Center for Indigenous Knowledge runs a rice breeding initiative to preserve and encourage the planting of indigenous seeds. The program trains farmers how to problem solve, cultivate, and save the different seed varieties.

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  • Venice Is Saved! Woe Is Venice.

    Venice, Italy, spent 50 years building 78 underwater seawalls that can be filled with air and brought to the surface to hold back high tides and prevent the city from flooding. The system, dubbed MOSE, was designed to rise up and down to maintain the passage of boats and water between the sea and the lagoon on the edge of the city of canals. It has been raised 49 times so far.

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  • Facing floods: What the world can learn from Bangladesh's climate solutions

    An early warning system in Bangladesh that uses a mix of technology and community connections is saving lives during storms and natural disasters. The mixture includes increased storm tracking, climate change mitigation solutions, and information-sharing systems that reach even the most remote areas. An essential part of the solution comes in the form of human capital - a human chain of communication that spreads the warnings across villages by word of mouth.

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  • LA reuses lots of stormwater, but wants to save more

    To help combat the water shortage, Los Angeles captures stormwater in giant dams and releases it later to slowly seep underground and recharge the aquifers. This water supplies about a quarter of the locals for the year.

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  • A solar solution to the West's changing climate?

    A farming practice that involves installing solar panels over crops, called agrivoltaics, allows farmers in drought-stricken regions to keep crops from sun overexposure, keep water in the soil for longer, and cool the panels with the moisture released from the plants all at once.

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