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  • Rhode Island's successful reopening of child-care programs shows ‘there is a path,' CDC director says

    A CDC study of Rhode-Island childcare centers revealed that out of the 666 childcare centers that were opened, only four had cases that involved the spread of the virus. That’s because of the strict adherence to safety guidelines such as minimum enrollment, no switching of students between groups, and mask wearing. CDC officials believe this is evidence that reopening of child care is possible if the right precautions are taken.

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  • South Korea Offers a Lesson in Best Practices

    South Korea's national government took quick action and implemented sweeping policy changes that have helped the country better control the spread of Covid-19. Contact tracing and democratizing the creation of testing supplies were two key aspects, but a major influencer was how quickly the country set these actions into motion by centralizing their approach.

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  • How Uganda's history of epidemics has prepared it for COVID-19

    Having spent a number of years combatting Ebola and Marburg viruses, officials in Uganda were able to quickly set into a motion a series of proactive strategies such as restriction of movement, surveillance strategies, and widespread testing to help contain the coronavirus outbreak. Although the approach isn't without its limitations – many are stockpiling groceries out of fear – the rapid and aggressive measures have kept the country's caseload low compared to that of other African nations.

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  • Israeli Phone Apps Aim to Track Coronavirus, Guard Privacy

    The use of mobile phone technology can aid in contact tracing and the collection of public health data. In Israel, the government’s use of GPS phone locations to trace cases of COVID-19 raised scrutiny regarding privacy and accountability. Instead, a newer, open-source app called Hamagen invites users to download and voluntarily participate in contact tracing. Other measures put in place to safeguard personal privacy concerns include parliamentary oversight of governmental tracing programs.

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  • Meet The Chicago Virus Hunters Who Are Tracking Down COVID-19

    Doctors and staff at Howard Brown Health, a Chicago health center for LGBTQ patients, is using its years of experience in containing and treating HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases with contact tracing to help contain the spread of Covid-19. The conversations can sometimes be emotional and difficult. The team has found some people are afraid to get the test and others who have lost a loved one to the virus. They have interviewed over 200 people, with many more in the pipeline, and about 65% of those they talked to also tested positive for Covid-19.

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  • Long before coronavirus, Philly ran a quarantine center for another deadly contagion

    From 1802 until 1895, Philadelphia ran a quarantine center that required all in-bound ships to stop and all on-board to be quarantined until cleared of any possible infectious diseases. Although the center is no longer in use, it provides a unique history lesson for the current coronavirus pandemic of the success that can come by restricting movement to prevent further spread.

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  • Contact tracing the coronavirus in Montana — why we're going to need more

    As the United States looks toward reopening, some states are preparing by directing resources toward contact tracing strategies, which is not a new protocol for controlling communicable disease and has shown success in other countries during the coronavirus pandemic. Although the practice does not come without limitations, in Montana, the public health departments have still hired and retrained staff dedicated to this practice to be better prepared in case of a resurgence.

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  • "I voted in South Korea's elections. This is what democracy can look like in a pandemic."

    South Korea held a national election during the Covid-19 pandemic by taking extensive sanitation and health screening measures. In addition to mandatory face protection and social distancing, voters’ temperatures were taken, hands covered in sanitizer, and given new gloves for their sanitized hands. Those with a fever voted in a secluded area and those with mild Covid-19 symptoms could vote by hospitals. Those in quarantine had one hour to vote after everyone else and needed to report to officials when home. It’s impossible to erase all risks, but many voters report the steps taken increased their security.

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  • South Korea's Coronavirus Test Run: How to Hold an Election

    Extra sanitation and health screening precautions allowed South Korea to hold a national election during the Covid-19 pandemic. Mandatory face protection, rubber gloves, taking voters’ temperatures, and providing hand sanitizer and new gloves were some of the requirements at polling stations. Candidates also continued to campaign but took precautions such as face masks, gloves, and microphone covers. While the strictest social distancing was not followed, voters express feeling comfortable and officials say South Korea could provide a model to other countries on how to hold an election during the pandemic.

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  • Durango business offers free lodging for families and individuals impacted by COVID-19

    Premier Vacation Rentals Group offers free lodging in about 30% of its 350 vacation rentals for frontline workers to avoid exposing their families to Covid-19, which gives them peace of mind that they are protecting their families while also providing space to engage in self-care for their own physical and mental health. The company cleans the rentals according to CDC guidelines; however, the units are not approved for people who have tested positive for Covid-19. Two other vacation rental groups in the area have also started offering unused rentals to first responders and healthcare workers.

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