Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Cuyahoga County's ‘public health warriors' try to get ahead of the local coronavirus curve

    Modifying traditional disease-tracking tools, local public health officials in Ohio’s Cuyahoga County moved quickly in the pandemic's early days to track the community-level spread of the virus far beyond officially confirmed cases. By expanding contact tracing to presumed but untested cases, officials were able to reach more potential spreaders of the virus to assess and quarantine them more quickly than if they’d waited for test results. The system took shape on whiteboards and paper forms, but the team also used mapping technology to spot developing clusters of infection.

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  • People around the country are sewing masks. And some hospitals, facing dire shortage, welcome them

    As the shortage of personal protective equipment continues amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, homemade masks are becoming an increasingly important option. While N-95 masks are preferable over homemade cotton masks, hospital facilities including St. Luke’s University Health Network in Pennsylvania have called on individuals to create up to 15,000 masks. By using elastic, and cotton, often from materials around the house, crafty individuals are filling a gap in this crisis.

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  • Lesson from South Korea on how to slow the spread

    South Korea has reported a reduction of new coronavirus cases thanks in part to rapid government regulations, widespread testing, and increased transparency. While other countries, such as the United States, have made a practice of only testing those showing symptoms, South Korea's success is linked to broader testing, contact tracing and alerting those who have possibly been in contact with an infected person.

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  • Voting by Mail Would Reduce Coronavirus Transmission but It Has Other Risks

    As the COVID19 pandemic continues, officials are looking ahead to the United States’ presidential election in November and considering mail-in ballots. While it is a limited-contact way of voting, it presents massive challenges in terms of scaling. Things like infrastructure, cost, and voter privacy and fraud have to be considered, which is why states are turning to those who have had some success already, like Minnesota and Montana, to learn from.

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  • Medical Students, Sidelined for Now, Find New Ways to Fight Coronavirus

    Medical students have found creative ways to pitch in during the Coronavirus pandemic when they are not yet certified to work with patients. Students across the country are organizing to help out by doing things like offering childcare for medical workers and sourcing personal protective equipment from a range of businesses. The students themselves say that they are happy to do "anything we can do to relieve burden on the real heroes.”

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  • With command and control, Taiwan excels in managing COVID-19

    After the 2003 SARS epidemic, Taiwan formed the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), which has proved necessary in the face of COVID19. The CECC has helped coordinated screenings for incoming travelers, rationing face masks, creating a hotline, and enforcing mandatory self-quarantines. They’ve also integrated health insurance, immigration, and customs databases to identify those most at risk.

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  • How South Korea Solved Its Acute Hospital-Bed Shortage

    In order to reduce the mortality rate from the coronavirus pandemic as much as possible, medical centers and the government in South Korea reserved beds only for the most ill, while others were quarantined in supervised dorms. To dictate where and how someone would be treated, they were assigned into a category of asymptomatic, mild, severe, or critical, which helped prioritize those that actually needed hospitalization.

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  • Galion distillery creates hand sanitizer from high-proof alcohol Audio icon

    Six months ago, a distillery in Ohio had the idea to start making hand sanitizer on-site, but because of the rapid spread of the coronavirus and the FDA changing regulations, the business has now fast-tracked the idea into reality. With only their first batch ready to donate, the distillery has already received over 1,000 requests for deliveries of the sanitizer.

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  • Online bot created by CDC provides triage for coronavirus testing

    To reduce the number of people being tested unnecessarily for coronavirus, the CDC has introduced an online bot that helps people determine the severity of their symptoms. Because the United States has a limited supply of tests and medical equipment currently available, the goal of the bot is to prioritize tests for those who need them most.

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  • Italy, Pandemic's New Epicenter, Has Lessons for the World

    In learning what could best work to contain the coronavirus, Italy is offering lessons to other countries in what has failed to work there. Dubbed the new "epicenter of a shifting pandemic" after reporting the highest death count, countries are learning that rapid and early intervention that is communicated clearly is a key component to slowing the spread.

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