Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a killer disease was stopped in its tracks

    Ebola is a highly contagious deadly disease that can wipe out dozens of people in a community if it goes untreated or undetected. However, there is now a vaccine that can be given to anyone who may have come into contact with an infected person, allowing healthcare providers to stop ebola epidemics before they start.

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  • Battling An Outbreak: Businesses And Health Officials Respond As Ohio Valley's Hep A Cases Climb

    Homeless shelters and food service are working to get out ahead of an Hepatitis A outbreak in Ohio by offering vaccines and educating residents and workers. Local shelters mandated vaccines and offered access, while public health teamed with restaurants to offer the vaccine to employees.

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  • Now in Sight: Success Against an Infection That Blinds

    To combat trachoma in Nepal, the W.H.O. has partnered with pharmaceutical companies to provide access to services. In addition to drug donations and affordable services, W.H.O. is building trust by empowering local healers with education that lets them make referrals and providing incentives for latrine use in rural villages.

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  • Why Egypt Is at the Forefront of Hepatitis C Treatment

    Egypt has made significant strides in eliminating hepatitis C from the country by implementing an approach that combines both affordable drug access and an effort to get the drugs to those in need. Supported by the government, the country "debuted an online portal for those with the disease to register for treatment," followed by a nationwide screening program.

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  • Communities now lead fight against outbreak of diseases

    The South African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance is piloting a program to use smartphone technology to report and respond to infectious disease outbreaks. The program trains community members to recognize signs of infectious diseases, such as vomiting and diarrhea, and report them through their smartphones. These reports are relayed to a team of specialists who track the location and frequency of these reports to determine if an outbreak of disease is occurring and respond accordingly.

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  • Opioid Crisis Compels New York to Look North for Answers

    Supervised injection sites in Canada have prevented hundreds of heroin overdose deaths. Now, New York City is looking to follow Canada's lead with a city-wide initiative to establish safe injection sites. While the Trump Administration is not in support of such sites, experts believe that it is unlikely that the federal government would interfere with a site if a city is in support of it.

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  • Treating violence like a disease helped cut Colombia's murder rate by 82%

    Colombia used a public health model of prevention to attack violent crime and has seen the homicide rate drop by 82 percent. The approach required the work of numerous public sectors, not just law enforcement, and a reliance on data to drive strategy. The country still has a higher-that-average murder rate, but the experience of several cities taking this approach offers key lessons for others to follow.

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  • Harm Reduction

    Hepatitis C along with other communicable diseases are often contracted through dirty needles, but programs in Pennsylvania are trying to reduce the spread through awareness and education as well as safe-needle exchanges. These approaches all put the person first in an attempt to meet people where they're at in the recovery while also providing help instead of punishment or shaming.

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  • These hospitals have become a home away from home in the Maasai's fight against TB

    In order to properly treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients who belong to Kenyan nomadic tribes, small villages consisting of individual huts have been constructed to comfortably house people during treatment. Treatment regimens can last between six months and two years.

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  • Exchange of Ideas: Needle Exchanges Grow To Meet Threats From Opioid Crisis

    Sharing stories about addiction brings stakeholders together. With the cost of prevention being much lower than the cost of treating outbreaks disease and overdoses, advocates for needle exchanges have sought to open more centers in Kentucky. Despite initial opposition from the Bourbon County community, groups like the Recovery Warriors have succeeded, by holding meetings and sharing experiences, to ultimately pass a motion to open the county’s first needle exchange.

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