Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The vehicle that got a village smiling

    Community workers in a village in Nigeria worked together to buy a car to use as an emergency vehicle for pregnant women who are in labor. The initiative has caught the attention of local government, which prompted the governor to fund similar programs in other areas.

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  • In pursuit of self-determined development, Borneo's indigenous tribes turn to homegrown renewables

    An indigenous-led nonprofit group called Tonibung installed a micro-hydro electrical system for a village deep in Borneo’s rainforests. The project not only supplied much-needed energy for the villagers of Kampung Buayan, but it is also protecting the surrounding ecosystems, creating jobs for people, and encouraging youth to get involved. “We want to advocate for native rights to self-determination and empower indigenous groups to choose the kind of development that meets the aspirations of their people,” says the founder of the organization.

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  • It takes a village: Community Yahoos help Slavic Village during Covid-19 pandemic

    In Cleveland’s Slavic Village neighborhood, a community effort is underway that aims to do "nothing but positive things." During the coronavirus pandemic, the group of volunteers has held fundraisers for community members who are facing financial struggles and handed out masks and face shields. The efforts resulted in the group receiving a Covid-19 emergency support grant that helped them create the Garden of Life – "a grassroots gathering place where people can celebrate life and remember those who have passed away."

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  • With women-only transport, South African city tackles sexual abuse

    To combat high rates of sexual violence in the Cape Flats neighborhood, an entrepreneur steeped in activism founded a women-only driving school. Hundreds of women have learned to drive without having to fend off assaults or harassment from male instructors, while gaining a skill that frees them from the risks inherent in taking public transportation or taxis. To tackle the latter risk, the same entrepreneur, Joanie Fredericks, recently started Ladies Own Transport, an all-female taxi service.

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  • In South Bend, Pete Buttigieg challenged a decades-old assumption that streets are for cars above all else

    Reconfiguring streets to slow automobile traffic through its downtown business district and encourage pedestrians and bicycling enlivened South Bend's street life and proved a boon to its restaurants and other businesses. Then-Mayor Pete Buttigieg pushed for the $25 million plan to make the streets safer and encourage people to spend more time and money in the area. Drivers complained about increased travel time, as they have about other cities’ “complete streets” programs. But Buttigieg and his supporters hope to push the concept when he runs the federal Transportation Department.

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  • How Californians are resorting to crowdsourcing to get their Covid-19 vaccine

    Residents of California are working together to crowdsource where COVID-19 vaccinations are being offered, and who they're being offered to. While the state has failed to implement a transparent dissemination strategy, 70 volunteers joined forces to create a spreadsheet that keeps track of what clinics are offering the shot and what parameters must be met to receive it. Users have reported that they were able to schedule an appointment because of this effort.

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  • The Sausage-Making to Revive a Black-owned Sausage Factory in New Orleans

    Community land trusts typically provide affordable housing but now one is responsible for the revival of a family business in New Orleans. Commercial community land trusts are emerging as viable solutions for tenants being displaced by higher rents as well as the revitalization of historically Black centers of commerce. Commercial land trusts are an avenue for the Black community to have “economic self-determination.”

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  • Why some bike shares work and others don't

    A boom in Chinese bike-share companies sought a technology-driven transport solution for people traveling short distances. While investors were drawn to green transportation solutions, a lack of any regulatory framework to introduce the bikes and integrate them with existing public transportation led to millions of bikes inundating urban areas. The more than 40 dockless bike share companies operating around the country led to an oversupply, bikes were vandalized, and many were found in rivers and other natural settings. Massive bike graveyards popped up as the bike parts were not easily recycled.

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  • Black Women Find Healing (But Sometimes Racism, Too) in the Outdoors

    To encourage more Black people to explore outdoors, individuals and organizations in Colorado are working to address underlying barriers such as access to transportation and gear, as well as fear and concerns of safety. Despite the groups still encountering "frustrating" incidents with other outdoor recreationalists, the movement has spread to other states and steadily attracted a growing community of members.

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  • Skirtingų tautybių vaikus mokanti gimnazija: tėvai ir vaikai suprato, kad reikia gerai mokėti lietuvių kalbą

    Kauno Aleksandro Puškino gimnazijos, kurioje vaikų lavinimas vyksta rusų kalba, lietuvių kalbos egzaminų rezultatai yra kur kas geresni, nei kitose rusų k. ugdančiose mokyklose. Taip yra todėl, kad jau 13 metų gimnazija taiko unikalią individualizuotą lietuvių kalbos mokymo strategiją, kuri duoda gerų rezultatų.

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