Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • This Nonprofit Helps Small Business Aid Go Where it Usually Doesn't

    An American nonprofit called the Community Reinvestment Fund expands access to small business loans by partnering with almost two dozen groups across the country to set up and scale up their community development lending. Founded in 1988, the group essentially takes on the risk of a SBA license so that others could benefit from their license. They created an online platform called Spark that redesigned the user interface of the existing loan processor platform to better facilitate the exchange of money. They have now supported loans for 1,000 communities across 49 states.

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  • How Detroit Gets People Around During a Pandemic

    The city of Detroit’s government spearheaded new partnerships at the start of the coronavirus pandemic to provide transit options for people living in city shelters and residents who don’t have cars to access COVID-19 testing. These partnerships among government departments allowed for transporting those experiencing homelessness to designated emergency shelters and hospitals to prevent the spread of the virus among shelter residents. Government officials anticipated as many as 450 shelter residents would contract the virus, but so far, only 154 people have tested positive with no deaths reported.

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  • Why This New Jersey Forager Thinks Weeds Are the Future of Food

    Meadows + More is a farm in New Jersey that specializes in edible wild plants and its owner, Tama Matsuoka Wong, seeks to educate people about the important role wild plants could play in future food systems if disasters and climate change were to eradicate plant species. She tends over 200 varieties of wild plants that she sells to top chefs and restaurants and to home cooks. While the community of wild plant enthusiasts is small, her business has received renewed interest during the COVID-19 pandemic as people looked for alternatives to grocery stores.

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  • Sending Support: Battling Isolation, Seniors Find Comfort in Pen Pals

    To help keep morale high and reduce the feeling of loneliness in senior centers during the coronavirus pandemic, pen-pal programs have taken shape throughout the United States. The idea started at a center in New Hampshire but has quickly spread across the nation with other senior centers now starting their own letter-writing exchanges to better connect their residents with the community at large.

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  • Some Parents Skip Meals to Feed Their Children, but Who Will Feed the Adults? One Organization Has an Answer

    Community Services Unlimited (CSU) is a local organization in Southern California that is helping to increase access to healthy foods for families all year round, but especially now during the Covid-19 pandemic. Unlike many food aid programs, the goal of CSU is not just to provide food, but to "create more empowered food communities" by teaching the local community valuable and usable skills around food production and distribution.

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  • 'Cool pavement' experiments help urban planners find ways to ease rising temperatures

    To combat the effects of rising temperatures due to climate change, Los Angeles piloted an experiment called “cool pavements,” where they coat streets with a light-colored sealant to reflect heat. Researchers are studying how effective this method is at reducing the urban heat island effect. Using a mobile sensor station, they found mixed results: While the surface temperature of the road was cooler, a person could feel warmer on the reflective roads. Figuring out how to balance different heat-mitigating strategies could be helpful as cities like Phoenix figure out how to implement cooling infrastructure.

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  • ¿Cómo una identificación comunitaria ayuda a dar un sentido de pertenencia a miles de inmigrantes en Carolina del Norte?

    En Carolina del Norte, las tarjetas de identificación de Faith Action, emitidas por una organización sin fines de lucro, se está afianzando como una forma válida de identificación. Las tarjetas de identificación no pretenden reemplazar las identificaciones emitidas por el gobierno, como las licencias de conducir, pero están destinadas a ayudar a las personas que pueden no tener acceso a dichos documentos.

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  • Philadelphia Based Artists Fill the Walls With Hope, and Public Safety Know-How

    In Philadelphia, a project called Fill the Walls With Hope has come together, pairing public art with hyper-local information. The initiative, which has collaborated with various local organizations, came together as a response to COVID-19 and the need to get out timely, factual public safety messaging. Run by volunteers, the project pays local, participating artists, and has been working with local news outlets to help creatively engage residents.

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  • Teletrabajo en barrios populares: una red de escuelas genera empleos digitales en plena cuarentena

    Una iniciativa digital argentina está formando / educando a adolescentes y adultos jóvenes en una variedad de trabajos digitales durante la crisis de COVID-19. Se centran en jóvenes de barrios desfavorecidos. La mayoría de esta población depende de trabajos informales y vive día a día. Su economía se ve fuertemente afectada por la crisis, pero estos "nuevos" trabajos digitales pueden ser sus soluciones desde casa.

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  • Seed by seed, a women's collective helps reforest Brazil's Xingu River Basin

    A group of women, known as the Yarang Women’s Movement, from villages in Brazil collect and sell seeds to nurseries, landowners, and other organizations to replant degraded land by the Xingu River. While this effort has helped reforest the area, a significant amount of land is still degraded and climate change threatens the availability of seeds throughout the year. Yet, “they have found creative ways to survive and adapt to climate change. The Yarang Women’s Movement is an example of resilience,” said someone who has worked with the group.

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