Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Philly garden activists are shipping millions of seeds to a nation fretting over food access during coronavirus pandemic

    Across Philadelphia, people are turning to seeds to source their food instead of grocery stores and supply chains, which have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Philadelphia is home to the Cooperative Gardens Commission, helping people across the United States practice safe gardening, providing mentoring for novices, and packaging and sending seedlings. It’s just one of many localized garden initiatives working to make sure their communities and neighbors have fresh, sustainable food.

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  • How do you build a city for a pandemic? Audio icon

    Major populated cities such as New York and London were once regarded as "death traps," but a series of deadly outbreaks led to structural changes that worked to improve the public health outcomes for those living there. From sewer systems to therapeutic gardens, the health of those living in cities has improved in a variety of ways, however, that has not stopped densely populated areas from turning into hotspots for coronavirus. To address this, local governments are experimenting with even more structural changes such as turning city streets into walking and biking paths.

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  • Migrantes en Argentina: la solidaridad como única vía

    Los venezolanos que han estado viviendo en Argentina durante años logran recolectar dinero y ayudar a los nuevos inmigrantes de Venezuela durante la crisis pandémica. El sistema de donaciones ayuda a los recién llegados a integrarse en una realidad más difícil para los trabajadores informales, debido a las medidas nacionales de confinamiento.

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  • How San Francisco's Chinatown Avoided Covid-19 Panic

    It wasn't until first cases of coronavirus were recorded in the United States that San Francisco and other U.S. cities took action to mitigate the spread, but in Chinatown, precautions started much earlier and the preparations seem to have worked. With only three recorded cases in Chinatown, the residents credit trust in authorities, community-driven communications, heightened hygiene practices, and the local Chinese Hospital, "which has strong ties to the community it serves."

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  • City Nature Challenge Can Help Us Find Resilience and Mindfulness at Home

    Throughout the United States, an annual community science competition known as the City Nature Challenge (CNC), has brought residents together to document research-grade observations as a means of locating and identifying species with conservation needs. Although it's yet to be seen how this competition will fare during the coronavirus pandemic, in past years, thousands of observations have been made representing hundreds of species.

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  • “Ladies First!”: Women fight against solid waste dumping in this Himachal Pradesh village

    A group of women volunteers, known as the Mahila Mandal, from Sudher in India are fighting against the dumping of garbage in their village and the pollution and potential negative health effects that come with it. Despite daily household and farm work, the group has been pressuring authorities through demonstrations and protests to clean up the solid waste dumping site.

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  • 신자 사진 놓고 기도ㆍ자동차 예배… 코로나19속 달라진 부활절

    부활절을 맞아 사회적 거리두기를 지키면서 신앙 활동을 이어나가기 위한 교회들의 시도가 주목받고 있습니다. 온라인 예배부터 '드라이브인 예배"까지 각양각색입니다.

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  • No reason to stop organizing

    For many activists, gathering in mass protest is their most powerful tool in their toolbox, but social distancing threatens this ability. But activists in Boulder County, Colorado are not letting the pandemic stop their mission. To stay compliant with social distancing, they are taking to Zoom to organize during the crisis.

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  • Minneapolis Funding Its Parks With an Eye to Equity

    The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board has approved a new scoring system to prioritize parks that are most in need of an investment, from the limited funds available, based on equity measures such as race, income, population density, and crime. This data-driven system is used in conjunction with the park board's judgment of a park's infrastructure and has pinpointed parks which were not typically on the park board's radar for renovation.

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  • 임대료 인하 5배 늘고, SNS엔 농가돕기 인증샷…'착한 운동' 퍼진다

    코로나19로 인한 소상공인과 프랜차이즈 가맹업주들의 피해를 최소화하기 위해 전국 곳곳에서 가맹수수료를 인하하고 임대료를 깎아주는 등 '착한 임대인 운동'이 퍼져나가고 있습니다.

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