Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • ‘코로나' 때문에 봉사활동 못 한다고요?

    코로나 시국' 장기화로 시민들의 대면 봉사활동이 어려워지자 각 단체들이 원격 봉사 환경을 마련하고자 나섰습니다. 취미 활동부터 진로 상담까지 다양한 분야의 재능 나눔이 비대면으로 이뤄지고 있습니다.

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  • Konstruktiv durch die Krise

    Vom Einzelnen bis zum Unternehme, Corona trifft alle. Vier Beispiele zeigen, wie Solidarität und Unterstützung dabei helfen, durch die Krise zu kommen.

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  • Mapping How Cities Are Reclaiming Street Space

    Some of the strategies urban sustainability proponents have promoted for years are now being used to manage traffic patterns during the coronavirus outbreak and ensure that essential workers can safely get to work. Could these temporary measures lead to a less car-dependent future?

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  • Local farmers open virtual farmers market to fill gap left by restaurant orders during COVID-19

    Chicago-based Closed Loop Farms, dependent on farmers markets, had to pivot to online sales with the closure of many public spaces as a response to COVID-19. Running a virtual farmers market, the local grower also sells sustainable, local products from other Chicago businesses. People are able to order their fresh produce, honey, and kombucha online and have it delivered to their door.

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  • Herzlich auf Distanz

    In Hamburg möchten Tausende den Corona-Risikogruppen helfen. Doch es benötigt viel Koordination, um Hilfesuchende und Helfende zusammenzubringen. Und: klare Regeln.

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  • ‘We're Doing What We Can': How a Makeshift Network Is Filling in the Gaps with Medical Supplies

    To address a shortage of personal protective equipment during the coronavirus pandemic, community members have begun to take on the task of producing face masks for medical professionals. From sewing masks to creating face shields with a 3D printer at a local library, communities are organizing and organizations are partnering to, at least temporarily, solve the problem.

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  • Photos: The Contradictory Flaw In The City's Underwhelming Open Streets Plan

    In an effort to prevent overcrowding in public spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic, New York City has closed a few streets in four out of five boroughs. This density reduction plan, though, doesn’t seem to be getting put to use, and some say is just wasting city resources having police stationed at these closed streets.

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  • France Transfers Coronavirus Patients On High-Speed Train With Mobile Emergency Room

    France is transporting patients from areas with high concentrations of coronavirus victims to areas where hospitals have vacant beds and ventilators. This helps to relieve some pressure on some of the hardest-hit regions.

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  • Mutual aid is making a comeback during COVID-19 outbreak

    Mutual aid at the grassroots level is about helping a neighbor in need, and this strategy has been spurred into action across the country in response to COVID-19. In Detroit, people rally across social media and technology to connect those in need with those looking to help. For those without social media, mutual aid forms are available online for residents to apply for help from community members in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, and more. They provide services such as picking up groceries and medicine, childcare, or monetary donations.

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  • Can The U.S. Crowdsource Its Way Out Of A Mask Shortage? No, But It Still Helps

    With a massive shortage of protective gear in the medical community amidst the coronavirus outbreak, volunteer groups are filling the gap by crowdsourcing masks, gowns, and other essential items. Though the government is working on a longer-term fix to the supply shortage, these volunteer groups are able to pick up hand-sewn masks and other donated items from community members and deliver them to medical centers around the country.

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