Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Cities Struggle to Boost Ridership With ‘Uber for Transit' Schemes

    Data-driven transport can improve access and efficiency if properly implemented. In Shanghai, China, users benefit from customized bus routes designed by artificial intelligence software. Other countries, however, have discontinued pilots of programs similar to the one implemented in China. Elsewhere, in Innisfil, Ontario, a different kind of program helps to fill the gap in public transport--namely, subsidized Uber rides.

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  • Papua New Guinea's Meri Seif Bus Program Provides Safe Transport to Women and Girls

    A public transportation system just for women has been developed in New Guinea in response to the extreme harassment that women face. Launched in 2014, the program called "Meri Seif (“Woman Safe”) now serves 170,000 female riders annually and has more than 10 buses. The program is still growing, as more buses get donated, but women already praise the program for increasing their sense of safety.

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  • Ii: The greenest town in Europe

    The town of Ii, in northern Finland, has cut carbon emissions by 80 percent, hitting the European Union's target 30 years before the deadline. Thanks to collective action in the community, businessmen, children, grandparents, and even the mayor has pitched in. In the process, the town of Ii boosted its local economy.

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  • Native Americans foster healing from domestic violence through community, tradition

    To help address domestic violence and intervene in crises such as suicide and addiction within Native American communities, a decades-old culture-based program offers workshops that "foster healing through embracing community and tradition." These Gathering of Native Americans programs, which are designed specifically with the audience in mind, focus on community members helping community members as a form of counseling.

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  • Tenants Organize to Keep Building Affordable Through Nonprofit Purchase

    Affordable housing in San Francisco is becoming more and more unattainable. When the landlord tried to change its status to not be rent-controlled to not, a group of residents at said building banded together with a nonprofit to preserve the building. A nonprofit, the Mission Economic Development Agency, bought the property from the landlord so that its residents could maintain their rent in a very expensive city. Organizations like MEDA are key to helping the city and its residents transition over time to ownership.

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  • The Ohio River community of Newport bands together to slow runoff and add greenspace

    To promote the implementation of greenspaces while also decreasing the likelihood of runoff after heavy rain storms, community groups in Newport, Kentucky worked together to implement strategic depaving. This practice of removing pavement has now led to the creation of a park which will soon have rain and pollinator gardens.

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  • Fixing the caregiver shortage: Why these health aides are twice as likely to stay on the job

    A partnership between a nonprofit health organization and a community health service program has helped provide enhanced training and more robust mentorship opportunities for home health aids in the New York City area. Results show that those who are a part of the program, many of whom are women and people of color, are more likely to stay in the profession due to the "program's focus on supporting them and helping to frame their work as a long-term career."

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  • Wie NRW-Kommunen Alleinerziehenden eine Perspektive bieten

    Ein Drittel aller Alleinerziehenden in Deutschland erhält Hartz IV. Ein bundesweit einzigartiges Modellprojekt im Kreis Recklinghausen ermöglicht ihnen den Einstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt – durch eine Ausbildung in Teilzeit.

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  • The Lady of Rabindra Sarovar lake

    For decades, Sumita Banerjee has mobilized her community to save the Rabindra Sarovar lake. The lake preserves floral species, generates oxygen, and offers green space for locals to enjoy, but it’s threatened by government inaction and festivals the lead to pollution. Her work with petitions, cleanups, and legal action has made slow but steady change to preserve the lake.

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  • A tale of two metros: how the London tube beat the New York subway Audio icon

    Though they started at similar points, the London Underground has become one of the most successful models of public transportation, while the New York Metro has declared a state of crisis. The reason? The London Underground learned from early financial and marketing failures and took advantage of financial incentives in expanding business into the transportation industry by renewing old infrastructure.

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