Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A seis meses del apagón, la historia del pueblo que se salvó por la cáscara de maní

    Este reportaje cuenta y explica la solución energética de Ticino, un pueblo de la provincia argentina de Córdoba. Quemando biomasa (cáscara de maní), la manicera de la localidad, que es también la empresa más grande del lugar, genera energía eléctrica que vende al Estado para abastecer al pueblo y a zonas vecinas. Esta solución beneficia a cientos de familias y permitió que durante el gran apagón nacional de 2019, Ticino continuara con luz.

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  • Why Kansas City's Free Transit Experiment Matters

    Kansas City, Missouri is the first major U.S. city to offer free bus rides city-wide, hoping to expand access and boost the local economy. The city emulates free public transportation plans around the world, which have seen success - and struggles - with increasing equity and economic stimulation through no-cost transportation plans.

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  • Seattle program makes homes affordable in a pricey market. Is it a model for Charlotte?

    The Homestead Community Land Trust offers affordable home ownership in Seattle and the rest of King County, Washington, ensuring that there is always permanently affordable homes available. This opens up homeowner opportunities for those who have historically been excluded and serves as a stem in the tide of gentrification. This article includes personal testimony from people who live in the housing, and already the program has reduced buyers' costs by 30%.

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  • The Case for Portland-to-Vancouver High-Speed Rail

    In an age of congestion and bumper-to-bumper traffic along the Pacific Northwest I-5 corridor, Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver, BC look to the success of high-speed trains in Europe for inspiration. The international phenomenon of cross-country bullet trains - some reaching up to 250mph - has reduced transport time and competes with short-term flights that expend massive amounts of fuel. Now, the Pacific Northwest cities discuss plans to overhaul their current lagging transportation in exchange for a new high-speed railway.

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  • A New Kind of Cooperative in Oakland Fights Against Speculative Development Audio icon

    Real estate cooperatives are able to raise capital from their members, ensuring re-investment in the communitie they serve. In Oakland, California, the East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative (EB PREC) finances real estate acquisitions through California’s cooperative ownership model. EB PREC also works with partners from the Sustainable Economies Law Center and the People of Color Housing Network, which provide additional resources and expertise.

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  • Fix It and They Will Come

    Around the United States, small-town institutions are shuttering and communal ties are weakening, all less than positive signs for the fate of democracy. But in Orange, New Jersey, Mindy Fullilove and other congregants at the First Unitarian Universalist Church used a crowdfunding platform called ioby and asset-based community development to keep the doors of their church open and their community flourishing.

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  • Ending the age of AIDS: What the U.S. can learn from Namibia

    In Namibia, a combination of data analysis and a community-centered approach are helping to reduce the rate of HIV infections and increase awareness around prevention methodologies. The approach has been so successful, that cities in the U.S., such as Atlanta, are considering how to implement similar strategies.

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  • Where Tech Is Helping People Become Better Neighbors

    From Google's India-focused app Neighbourly to the wellknown Nextdoor app, social media specifically targeted at connecting neighbors is gaining ground. Whether being used to rate neighborhood attractions, encourage borrowing or sharing of resources, report suspicious neighborhood activity or simply to find a way to make connections, these apps are aimed at decreasing social isolation and increasing community interactions.

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  • Inspiring Tale of a Chicago Neighborhood That Would Not Die

    Community members and local organizations on the South side of Chicago collaborate to reclaim their neighborhoods from crime, violence, and poverty by engaging in community conflict resolution, policing and networks of support. Groups like the Southwest Organizing Project and the Inner-City Muslim Action Network banded together to interrupt gang violence in the city, relying on the experience of former gang members and offenders to guide the organizations' missions for non-violence in their communities.

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  • Philadelphia's new toy library lets families save money — and the environment — while forming a community

    The Rutabaga Toy Library in Philadelphia - which was born out of a borrowed idea from Austin, Texas - helps parents afford to checkout donated toys for their kids by offering low-price memberships to families in the surrounding area. The business addresses the common trend that enables parents to throw old toys away and create unnecessary waste; instead, Rutabaga accepts donations to the toy library for other families to use while offering a space for sharing and community gathering.

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