Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Baltimore CeaseFire Cuts Violence In Half

    The Baltimore Ceasefire movement -- which asks community members to put away their guns for specific weekends -- began in 2017 when its organizers had enough of the gun violence in their city. Now, the ceasefire weekends, which happen 4 times a year, have resulted in 30-60% fewer gun-related deaths during designated weekends.

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  • San Francisco's Market Street Car Ban Is Overdue

    A plan to redesign Market Street in San Francisco uses a controversial approach used by cities around the world: eliminating personal cars entirely. This bicycle, pedestrian and bus-oriented layout approach reduces traffic accidents and fatalities; San Francisco plans to move forward with their plan in 2020.

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  • A Vision For Floating Buildings, Minus the Libertarian Politics

    A floating prototype in the San Francisco bay - envisioned by researchers at California College of Art - is testing the sustainability and possibilities of the creation of floating buildings. The structure, which has successfully integrated with barnacles and other marine life, is one in a number of visions of floating communities that respond to the rapidly appearing effects of climate change on coastal communities.

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  • Grenfell Tower fire - Inequality, racism & the fight for justice

    After a devastating fire in London that took the lives of more than 70 people, the community it impacted most joined together to work through their trauma and raise awareness about economic injustice. From community gardening to organizing events to advocate for justice, many have joined forces to heal from the fire.

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  • Facing unbearable heat, Qatar has begun to air-condition the outdoors

    In Qatar, where temperatures have reached unbearably high degrees, an engineering professor at Qatar University has designed a way to provide air conditioning to the outdoors. Although the method is arguably not a solution for climate change and could actually have negative impacts, it is successfully allowing people in the country to be able to leave the their homes, which in turn benefits the economy of the country.

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  • How solar ‘skin' helped an Indiana homeowner win a fight for rooftop panels

    After the homeowners association denied his request to install solar panels on his roof due to their aesthetic, Indianapolis-resident Joey Myles used SolarSkin to disguise the panels to look like asphalt shingles. The company Sistine Solar makes these films that coat solar panels in various images that can be used to blend in with roofs or other forms of artwork. The panels with skins only generate about 85 percent of energy as those without skins, but they can withstand extreme weather.

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  • Building for Real With Digital Blocks

    To get input on city design plans from citizens without any technical knowledge, some city planners are turning to Minecraft, an easy-to-use computer game that allows users to build in a three dimensional environment. Useful for planning public spaces (rather than designing a building), Minecraft has been adopted by UN Habitat to plan everything from soccer fields in Nairobi to a riverbank in Kosovo.

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  • Helping family members of people with addiction

    What started as a book club for half a dozen mothers soon morphed into a support group for relatives of those suffering from addictions. Known by clinical psychologists as Community Reinforcement and Family Training, this approach is "a mix of techniques that help families take care of themselves, communicate more effectively and learn about family dynamics."

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  • Preventing youth addiction

    For people addicted to opioids, the battle isn't always just quitting the drug use but also navigating the other areas in their life that led to the drug use in the first place. To address this, a community in Washington uses youth drug prevention science that is based around teaching protective factors such as enhanced communication and ways to decrease isolation.

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  • This Conservative City Built a $132 Million Park Using One Weird Trick

    After falling behind in urban planning and innovation in the 1990s and early 2000s, Oklahoma City created a limited-time sales tax called MAPS to pay for capital projects, like the new Scissortail Park. The tax consisted of a series of one-cent sales taxes and has brought in over $1.5 billion and has helped fund convention centers, other urban green areas, and more.

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