Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Step by Powerful Step, Citizens Lead Puerto Rico into Its Solar Future

    After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, knocking out power across the country, solar energy has stepped in to be a sustainable possibility. Such efforts have included lobbying local legislatures to incentivize communities to create their own solar project and training residents to install solar panels on their own. Many of the solar initiatives that have started have been community-led and hyper-local, meaning that what many deem a basic right – access to energy and electricity – are more accessible than ever.

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  • CT's small solutions to climate change: when flood control spurs economic development

    Climate change adaptation efforts and economic development can go hand in hand, according to one Connecticut town. Meriden transformed a former mall into a large park, a natural solution that helps mitigate the town's routine flooding and has encouraged housing and retail development in the surrounding area.

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  • Fighting Gun Violence in Chicago, With Trees, Rakes, and Cleanup Crews

    Chicago is trying something new when it comes to violence prevention: beautifying public spaces that have been known to be places of violence. The city has launched an official pilot program called Grounds for Peace, which partners with READI Chicago to provide jobs within the initiative to at-risk men. While the effort to beautify has shown a decrease in gun violence in other cities, Chicago residents approach this with caution, as the neighborhoods its working within are often neglected.

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  • Ideas from Oklahoma can help NC plan for future of increased flooding

    Eastern North Carolina -- an area increasingly affected by flooding from hurricanes -- looks to Tulsa for long-term, financially sustainable solutions to routine flooding. Tulsa's comprehensive approach includes regulating building in floodplains as well as building vast drainage systems in all high-risk flood areas. The city implemented a storm water mitigation fee to residents' water bills in order to make flood insurance among the cheapest in the country.

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  • Climate Resilience on Detroit's East Side

    Working toward environmental justice takes organizing on the community level. In Detroit, the Women of Empowerment promote resilience against the adverse effects of climate change on the city’s east side by spearheading projects that range from legal cases to the installation of solar panels. The group also partners with local nonprofits like the Eastside Community Network and Heatwaves Housing and Health (HHH), to collect data that can inform climate-resilient city planning.

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  • Can We Turn Down the Temperature on Urban Heat Islands?

    Researchers are using citizen science volunteers to more accurately identify hot spots in cities, where some temperatures are significantly higher than their surrounding areas. The data has also shown that there is a correlation between lower-income neighborhoods and higher temperatures. Climate change is expected to increase the number of extreme weather events, including heat waves, so mapping these urban heat islands can help cities develop new urban planning strategies.

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  • Život po uhlí. V čom sa môže horná Nitra inšpirovať príbehom belgického Genku

    Belgický Genk je vynikajúcim príkladom toho, ako môže Slovensko prejsť k postindustriálnej a ekologickejšej budúcnosti. Mesto "vsadilo na inovácie a kreativitu", aby prinavrátilo pracovné miesta a presvedčilo mladých ľudí, aby zostali v tejto oblasti. Genk vybudoval centrum pre výskum zelenej energie, investoval do startupov v oblasti zelenej ekonomiky, podporoval umelecké inštalácie a zameral sa na poskytovanie kurzov a rekvalifikácie, aby pomohol baníkom zmeniť povolanie.

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  • A Greener Afterlife

    Philadelphia’s West Laurel Hill Cemetery has gone green. While the burial business may be notoriously filled with chemicals, this cemetery has introduced 50 different sustainability initiatives, including banning machinery use, only allowing biodegradable caskets – or no caskets at all – and keeping the grounds flourishing with native plants instead of manicured lawns. The efforts also include community engagement to bring residents into the environmental shift as part of a larger, cultural trend toward sustainability.

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  • Cherries and Snow: Hammana Artist House breathes life back into a small Lebanese village

    Amplifying local culture, history, and food through the arts increases tourism and can revitalize areas struggling with depopulation. The Hammana Artist House, a collaboration between a philanthropist and Collectif Kahraba, a local theater non-profit in Hammana, Lebanon, has resulted in an arts program that attracts new visitors to the town. In addition to the village’s historic cherry festival, the collaboration has resulted in a new artist residency program and projects that enhance the identity and visibility of the community.

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  • From Dead Store to Pop-Up 'Social Infrastructure'

    A nonprofit organization in Boston utilizes abandoned storefronts as a gathering space to create "social infrastructure," or a way to bring different communities together. The pop-up store fronts host community game nights, shows, and other captivating events - and the best part? The organization works with local landlords to use empty store fronts rent-free.

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