Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Youth Empowerment

    Across New Hampshire, youth are leading the fight against substance abuse. Programs like Dover’s Youth-to-Youth, Stand Up Sachems, Youth Leadership Through Adventure, and the Making it Happen Coalition, are all youth-led, adult-supported initiatives that are empowering young adults to create and disseminate substance abuse awareness and prevention campaigns. Fundamental to each of these efforts effective communication and creating a sense of community as key to prevention.

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  • Communities Fill the Gaps Created by Shutdown

    During the government shutdown, federal workers went unpaid for weeks, struggling at times to access money, food, and legal services. To fill the gaps, communities stepped in. In Phoenix, Arizona, community members created a mobile food bank to serve the 300 TSA workers who were working without pay. In Alaska, the Sitka Tribe opened its food bank to all furloughed employees.

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  • How can cities engage their citizens? Museums can show the way

    Taking its cue from digital engagement strategies of cultural institutions across Sweden, the Danish city of Aarhus, Denmark is making the redevelopment of an area called South Harbour more equitable and inclusive. Using "lab sessions," or structured discussion groups with actionable topics, the local entrepreneur heading up the project tests the ideas that come from the sessions on a small scale.

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  • For young Native Americans, running is a lesson in their own history

    Wings of America is a New Mexico based organization that uses running as a way for Native Americans to reconnect with their pasts and cultures while combatting pervasive stereotypes. The organization also organizes runs as protest and resistance, giving youth an opportunity to speak up on the issues they care about.

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  • My hometown is going to burn. Here's how my neighbors are preparing

    In wildfire-prone Nevada County, California, community squads that do controlled burns are on the rise. According to the Nevada County fire council, some 23 associations are active, while about 50 more are forming. By reducing wildfire "ladder fuel," these local groups can reduce the severity of future wildfires, all while protecting their homes.

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  • Toxic air is killing us. These five policies could save millions of lives

    As air pollution threatens health and lives around the world, several creative solutions have the power to transform this situation. By tracking air quality, improving public transit, and using creative architecture and road use, countries from Estonia to Mexico to Bangladesh are finding solutions that work.

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  • Lawrence reborn: A polluted mill town reclaims its future

    Grants from the US Environmental Protection Agency empower local communities—and workers—to redevelop abandoned industrial sites. These sites, known as brownfields, are often left in disuse because of the presence of hazardous pollutants. In Lawrence, Massachusetts, public and nonprofit job training programs funded by the EPA retool locals in environmental remediation. These new jobs help economically disadvantaged communities platform toward a more sustainable future; and they promote new development, attracting further investment.

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  • How to reduce light pollution, an underestimated threat to our environment

    There is so little artificial light in Flagstaff that you can see the Milky Way from downtown. The city has banned sweeping searchlights, required outdoor light to be shielded downwards, and switched illumination on all roadways and parking lots to low-pressure sodium lights. Annual “star parties” and other events keep residents committed to reducing light pollution, which has big impacts on human and animal health.

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  • A radical idea for an ancient African conflict: talking to the enemy

    Intense and violent conflict between herders and farmers has long plagued the Nigeria's middle belt region. Community members and a humanitarian organization are taking steps to mend these complicated relationships, however, through organized meetings on neutral ground that allow the herder and farmer to talk about forgiveness and shared interests.

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  • Part of an age-friendly city: advocacy training for elders - The Bay State Banner

    The Boston Senior Civic Academy teaches older adults how to stay informed about and involved in local politics, covering issues from financial insecurity to dementia-friendly city planning. The program, which serves elders across the city and is part of a world-wide push to create elder-friendly cities, invites older adults to take an active role in politics and advocacy, and gives them the tools to do so.

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