Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Do You Do the 'Dutch Reach' When Exiting a Car? It's Coming to America.

    Illinois and Massachusetts have adopted a new traffic safety measure in its road safety manuals. Coined the “Dutch reach,” the international maneuver consists of a person opening their car door with their far hand. Doing so makes people look over their shoulder, increasing the visibility of cyclists on the road. While it is a seemingly small response, it’s part of a larger, cultural shift towards bike safety and inclusivity.

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  • How This Southern City Is Making Tech Work for People

    Successful public private collaborations promote civic innovations that add value to communities. Programs that bring together nonprofits, tech start-ups, universities, and city leaders are helping Birmingham, Alabama, emerge as a model city for tech innovation in the region. Initiatives such as Innovate Brigham and the NHabitBham housing database use grants from the city and federal government, and donations from other partners to fund collaborations. While empowering residents by gathering and providing access to data on the wellbeing of Birmingham’s communities, these programs also add value to the city.

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  • Where the Rainforest Meets the Road

    In northeastern Papua New Guinea, community leaders and the government set aside 360,000 hectares of the Managalas Plateau as a protected conservation area in 2017. The project has strong local support. But facing destructive resource extraction and land use, conservation's longevity hangs on whether the community can create markets for sustainable agriculture, as well as workable infrastructure.

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  • How Dutch Transit Agencies Fend Off Fare Evaders

    Dutch public transportations are trying some innovative techniques to cut down on fare-evaders, emphasizing that consequences for those evading fares should not just impose fines but convince them to become ticket buyers. Other strategies include barring access to stations themselves without tickets and including a card pre-loaded with 10 rides when a person is penalized for fare-evading.

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  • In India's Fast-Growing Cities, a Grassroots Effort to Save the Trees

    In booming cities across India, residents and nonprofits are fighting to save trees from rampant development. One protest in Delhi brought 1,500 citizens out, stalling a proposal to fell 14,000 trees in the city. And the Center for Environmental Research and Education in Mumbai plant's new trees with an unusually high survival rate of 90 percent. But to stem destruction, these groups must help city planners and politicians understand the many benefits that urban trees provide.

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  • U.S. Faith Communities Are Tackling the Housing Crisis

    In cities like Denver, Seattle, and Chicago, faith-based communities use their land to aid in the affordable housing crisis. Because many communities of faith sit on large expanses of valuable land within city limits, they've begun using their land to offer housing for low-income families and other underserved community members.

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  • After A Run Of Tainted Food Scandals, Women In This Country Took Control Of The System

    Following the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, a group of women took the initiative to ensure that the food they consume meets radiation standards twice as strict as the government's. The Seikatsu Club formed in 1965 and has since built itself up to 400,000 members (about 90% of whom are women) and works with 200 producers. The group is highly productive: they run their own milk factory, join with worker collectives to sell goods like jam or cookies, operate a fund for farmers whose products are tainted, offer child and elder care, and much more. Seikatsu is a success due to its local citizens' control.

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  • How an emerging African megacity cut commutes by two hours a day

    Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's de facto capital and megacity-to-be, has cut transportation times by providing a bus system that avoids traffic congestion and chaotic intersections. Though the bus system still struggles to provide comfortable conditions and convenient ticketing processes, commuters who take the bus report significantly reduced transportation times.

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  • LA Foodways: Explore the History of Los Angeles Agriculture

    The history of Los Angeles, a farm town-turned metropolis, leads to the present-day food situation, in which the quantity of food produced is insufficient to feed everyone - yet food insecurity persists. Food Forward distributes produce that might not sell and brings it to partners across the city. Their food justice work has been supported by groups such as the Watts Labor Community Action Committee.

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  • Dutch eco initiative halves energy bills in first UK homes

    By piloting a Dutch initiative to make homes more energy efficient with new windows and solar panels in the United Kingdom, tenants are seeing their monthly energy bills decrease by almost half. More than 150 social housing homes in Nottingham are testing the “Energiesprong” approach, which has already seen success in the Netherlands.

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