Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Companies Respond to an Urgent Health Care Need: Transportation

    Lack of transportation is a key reason why people don’t go to doctor appointments. RoundTrip and Circulation are two start-ups filling the gap, making it easier for particularly older patents to access customized rides.

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  • Michael Brown's death still galvanizes anti-racism efforts in Ferguson Audio icon

    After the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Cathy Doherty, a leader at a local parochial school, became galvanized to do something. She started an after-school program bringing together youth from local schools with the intention to prevent them from developing racist attitudes. This is part of a broader effort in St. Louis by Catholic women to fight racism and work towards meaningful change.

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  • What's Behind Buffalo's Public Art Boom?

    Buffalo’s Albright-Knox Art Gallery created the position of public art curator in 2014. Since then, a combination of public and private funding has created site-specific public art across the city bringing prominent artists to Buffalo as well as involving local artists and community members.

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  • Vets on a Mission

    The Mission Continues is a national nonprofit organization that connects military veterans to service opportunities in their communities, while providing support and companionship with like-minded individuals in the process. The Philadelphia chapter is comprised of 275 veterans, and the national organization boasts over 40,000 members. By helping build up communities, the act of service also provides veterans with a renewed sense of purpose.

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  • Despite spike in shootings, a Chicago community gets a handle on violence

    Chicago has seen a decline in violence, and one neighborhood in particular has led the way, nearly halving its shootings and homicides. Police in Englewood have changed how they work with the community and where they send officers, focusing on the places and people experiencing the most violence, informed by data and surveillance systems. Community organizations are also providing job training, services and counseling to those most likely to be caught up in the violence.

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  • Community-Centered Development

    Preventing housing loss due to gentrification requires getting community members to the table before development plans take effect. Radix Consulting, a B Corp based in Portland, OR, is promoting community-led urban development in a city hit hard by gentrification. The principles of community and land use developed by Radix helped to influence policy in Portland’s 2035 Comprehensive Plan. While the plan in Portland addresses an existing crisis, other cities are looking to this model as a way to proactively manage their community development.

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  • Planting Trees to Help Dallas Breathe

    In 2016, the Texas Trees Foundation and federal Trust for Public Land partnered to use GIS technology in greening Dallas, Texas, and plant some 1,000 trees to start. Not only does the initiative reduce respiratory problems like asthma--over the next 40 years, the new tree cover is expected to create about $2.9 million in environmental benefits, sucking around 250 tons of CO2 from the air and capturing around 4 million gallons of stormwater.

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  • How to Raise an ‘Army of Angry Moms and Women' From Your Own Kitchen

    What started as one mother upset over the 2012 Sandyhook school shooting has morphed into Moms Demand Action, a powerful political force with more than five million people on its list and 300,000 active volunteers. Founder Shannon Watts estimates the grassroots group around has helped block the majority of NRA-sponsored bills and succeeded in passing 1,000 of their own restricting guns. Many volunteers are also running for office.

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  • Plaza Heralds New Era of Afrocentric Development in Seattle Neighborhood

    Central District, a historically black neighborhood in Seattle, is getting a makeover to better align it with its roots. Africatown is a nonprofit community land trust that is using its influence to bring Afrocentric design standards to the neighborhood as well as spurring economic development and construction of affordable housing. One real estate project includes a community mural, more gathering space for residents, and local government support.

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  • Becoming a Farmer the Community Way

    Canada is quickly approaching a farming shortage, as elder farmers look to retire from the practice with no succession plan in place for future generations. Yarrow Ecovillage, a land-sharing project, may be the answer to the impending food-insecurity issue that will accompany this decline in farm production.

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