Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A new 'floating park' made out of recycled plastic waste has popped up in the Netherlands

    Rotterdam’s new Floating Park showcases how recycling can be put to use. Litter traps collect plastic from the river to prevent it from going into the ocean. Then, the plastic is recycled into hexagonal pods that are used as building materials for the floating park - creating spaces to sit, walk, and grow plants. Supported by the Recycled Island Foundation, this floating park is ideally going to be the first of many.

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  • Can 'Work Colleges' in Cities Become a Low-Cost, High-Value Model for the Future?

    Dallas' Paul Quinn College is changing the dated perception of work colleges. At the first urban and historically black work college, students are graded on both academic and workforce performance. In the next few years, Paul Quinn hopes to expand its model into a national network of schools, with the goal of introducing students to corporate connections and offering an alternative to overwhelming student debt.

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  • To fix its housing woes, should California look to Seattle?

    In response to the rapidly developing Seattle housing crisis, the city has begun to rezone single-family housing as high-rise apartment buildings and create accessible public transportation in redeveloped areas. Though this fastest-growing city in the country has a long way to go in the fight for affordable housing, the Bay Area cities can look to these rent-stabilizing solutions as possible responses to their own housing crisis.

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  • How 3,000 streetlights turned San Diego into America's smartest city

    A municipality’s ability to collect data and implement small changes can mean cost savings, increased efficiency, and improvements to daily life. By incorporating the ‘internet of things’ into thousands of streetlights, San Diego is able to collect and disseminate data on street usage, parking spots, and traffic optimization.

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  • How collaboration builds networks of support for Michigan children

    Brilliant Detroit is a nonprofit that aims to create “kid success neighborhoods.” It reaches this goal by building over 70 partnerships with organizations throughout the city. From working with Eastern Market to providing fresh produce to SNAP recipients, to working with maternal health groups and safety-focused nonprofits, Brilliant Detroit knows it is stronger as an organization when it works with others. Together, these creative collaboration efforts are more likely to help neighborhood kids succeed.

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  • L.A. Offers a Tax Break for Urban Farming—But No One's Taking It

    In 2014, the California legislature passed legislation to create the Urban Agriculture Incentive Zones (UAIZ), offering tax breaks to landowners to turn their vacant lots into community farms. However, the legislation has failed to create any kind of community impact: only 4 lots have received the tax break in the 4 years that the program has existed. Landowners have been disincentivized by five-year lending terms and insufficient implementation.

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  • Equity Makes Bike-Sharing Work, and Other Bike-Share Guidelines for Cities

    New guidelines to help cities manage bike-share programs, based on feedback from 60 cities, could be the key to success for dockless vehicles. The guidelines include recommendations about permits and fines, ways to consider equity programs, and a reference guide to what cities are currently doing in this space. The idea is that, by planning ahead and being deliberate, cities can maximize the benefit that dockless vehicles bring to their cities while regulating any negatives.

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  • Drive Against Gerrymandering Finds New Life in Ballot Initiatives

    Public opinion is turning against gerrymandering faster than the Supreme Court. Five states are holding ballot measures on the issue spurred ahead by tens of thousands of citizen’s signatures, and political uncertainty is pushing legislators themselves to get behind apolitical redistricting commissions.

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  • Feeding—and healing—the hood

    Project Feed the Hood, a community effort to increase food access and security for lower-income families, has established gardens and pilot programs at ten schools in Albuquerque. The program originally aimed to convert lawns into gardens while giving youth an alternative to military recruitment. Now, it is run by community volunteers and also offers paid internships for youth. “We’re here to resist, to reclaim our food systems, our community spaces,” explains one of the project's dedicated staff members.

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  • Why millions listen to this girl's advice

    Is no one listening to your public service announcement? Try having a child read it. At the Victoria metro station in London, escalator injuries have fallen by nearly two-thirds since the station began running announcements by nine-year-old Megan.

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