Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How States Are Rethinking Roads

    As cities grapple with higher temperatures, state and local governments are looking for ways to play a larger role in combatting the impacts. Throughout the United States, some of the entities are turning their attention towards solutions that make road more heat-resistant.

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  • Design as Democracy: Barcelona's ‘Carritos' Encourage a More Inclusive Urbanism

    Urban planners in Barcelona have a new way to engage locals who want a voice in urban design. Carritos, or mobile carts, are traveling to public spaces to draw in people who can share their opinions on development projects. This especially helps get feedback from those who do not have time to attend traditional city planning meetings. The goal is to make city planning a more inclusive space.

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  • Doña Ana County works to build a stronger voting culture

    In Doña Ana County, New Mexico, boosting civic engagement is a priority. County Clerk Scott Krahling has tried several initiatives to do so, including hosting voter registration drives in schools, consolidating local elections, and implementing ranked choice voting. The clerk’s office also values community input. A nonpartisan advisory council and series of community meetings aim to ensure the community has a say in these civic engagement initiatives.

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  • How Helsinki Arrived at the Future of Urban Travel First

    Finland is at the forefront of conceptualizing mobility as a service. In Helsinki, citizens are getting rid of their cars and using Whim instead. The app gives users unlimited access to all transport options (bus, train, bike, taxi, and car) for a single monthly subscription.

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  • Finding the Untapped Potential of Alleys

    Redesigning an alley expands commercial space and brings life to a city. Long-neglected side streets across the United States are getting makeovers both by citizens and developers. Miami’s Jade Alley is a particularly showy example with its archways, flowering trees, ice cream shop, and lingerie boutique.

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  • Bugs and Birds: New Residents of a Greener Madrid

    With a little strategic planning, cities can nurture biodiversity in the urban environment. “Sometimes, small actions can bring incredible results,” says Antonio Morcillo, deputy director for conservation of green areas and urban trees in Madrid. The city is allowing the Manzanares River to flow, spontaneous vegetation to grow, and opening hundreds of birdhouses and insect hotels to counteract habitat loss.

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  • How the efforts of a single resident (and a few friends) beautified Yorkshire Woods

    In the Yorkshire Woods neighborhood of Detroit, where there was once blight and vacant properties, there is now a community garden. Thanks to the enterprising efforts of Mose Primus, a community activist, the neighborhood has gained the funding, volunteers, and land to change the area. Little by little it is being restored to the tight-knit community of families it used to be.

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  • Digitally Explore Thousands of Artifacts Excavated from an Amsterdam Canal

    Rather than museum worthy, beautiful crafted artworks made to stand the test of time, the Below the Surface exhibition and website displays the hundreds of years of detritus pulled from an Amsterdam construction site. The website allows visitors to interact with these objects and explore the changes in tools, usage, and culture over Amsterdam’s history.

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  • The man who paves India's roads with old plastic

    Dr. Rajagopalan Vasudevan, a chemistry professor in India, has a new approach to plastic. "It's time we stop seeing plastic as the enemy and turn it into our biggest resource," Dr. Vasudevan says. By adding molten used plastic into a mixture of bitumen, a substance that binds roads, the professor found a solution that stuck. India has since paved over 16,000 km of roads since 2002 using plastic as part of the process.

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  • Two years after Philando Castile's death, programs aim to transform relations between police, residents

    Drivers in a suburb of St. Paul, Minn., who have equipment issues with their cars may get coupons to help them fix the problems at repair shops rather than a ticket. The Lights On program was created by a nonprofit after the shooting death of Philando Castile by a police officer during a traffic stop over a broken tail light in a nearby town. Twenty participating police departments around the Twin Cities are participating and the program expanded to Iowa, with plans for additional locales.

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