Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Black Entrepreneurs Lead the Charge in Baltimore's Economic Renewal

    The #CommunityTakeBackChallenge in Baltimore “aims to inspire Baltimoreans to revitalize neighborhoods by pooling resources to acquire neglected city-owned and privately owned properties.” This initiative, along with CityWide Youth Development, is part of a wave of Black-led projects to redevelop the city. By training youth, redeveloping vacant properties, and creating new community spaces, these entrepreneurs are creating new opportunities for city residents.

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  • What Alabama Can Teach You about Storm Resilience

    After witnessing the devastating impact of Hurricane Katrina, changemakers in Alabama took control of creating a more accountable insurance system that valued weather-resilient home construction.

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  • Want to go green and get in shape? Try 'plogging'

    Small changes to routine activities can have a large impact when everyone participates. Plogging, the act of picking up trash while jogging, is one such instance that has recently garnered widespread attention for its many benefits including improving both the health of the environment and individuals participating.

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  • A World Cup for the people in Russia

    Around 30 Russian activists created a campaign for the World Cup called “Cup for the People.” It includes guided tours, a map of responsible consumption, and exhibitions that revolve around topics like LGBTQ rights, environmetal justice, and harassment. “Big sport events are a chance to speak about human rights, about the role of minorities, about diversity – both on the soccer field and elsewhere in society. I see it as an instrument for positive social change.”

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  • Transforming plastic waste into paving stones

    After realizing that the accumulation of plastic bags was a becoming a devastating issue for the environment, a student from Morocco decided to take action by combining his concern with his passion for robotics and science. The outcome was the creation of eco-friendly paving stones made out of a mixture of discarded plastic, sand, and concrete.

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  • Helping Nigerians move from the slums to affordable green homes of their own

    Comprehensive Design Services (CDS) is a Nigeria-based company that uses traditional Nigerian architectural techniques and Bio-Climatic Design to build housing that is both affordable and green. This approach, which they hope to expand to the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa, is making a dent in the growing population relegated to slums and poor housing conditions in the face of rapid urbanization.

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  • High Schoolers Bring Their Love of Culinary Arts to Feed Local Homeless

    In Portland, Oregon, high schoolers are taking a program that donates food from their culinary classes to the homeless and turning it into a Homeless Solutions Incubator to provide a more systemic solution for homelessness in the area. With grant funding from local non-profits and support from schools, they hope the program continues to grow and spread.

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  • Cities are getting more crowded: better design could stop violence

    Researchers found that more greenery in urban spaces reduces crime and this idea of combatting crime with good design is part of a discipline called Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, or CPTED. It spread around the world, but there also downsides. A new generation of CPTED advocates are expanding the field to consider social factors underlying crime and engage with local communities when designing projects because just discouraging crime is not enough to make spaces inviting.

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  • After Centuries of Housing Racism, a Southern City Gets Innovative

    In Jackson, Mississippi, a series of community-led cooperatives are creating opportunities for affordable home ownership. This is part of a trend across the country to create community land trusts. They are financed through donations, other community businesses, or commissions. Though each land trust faces hurdles, they are collectively allowing more access to wealth and ownership in historically low-income neighborhoods.

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  • Urban farming has arrived: here's four ways to make a success of it

    As urban farming proves to be a viable solution for the need to produce more food, many find the landscape of city-farming difficult to navigate due to space and expenses. In The Netherlands, however, a handful of small-scale solutions have stood out and allowed farmers to find success.

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